Chapter 16

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Shannon and I have settled quietly in a cabin in the woods by the lake side belonging to David. It was his grandmother's and I know very soon the agency will show up here that's if someone else beats them to us.

It's pretty obvious I would hideout at one of David's properties but I had nowhere else to run and Shannon has been feeling tired of late. Last time she ran to much she nearly miss carried.

I spend the whole day and night on the look out and sleeping only three hours. I'm operating like a zombie and set explosive traps all over the yard just in case.

For the first time in my life I don't know what to do. I've always done the killing while David took care of the planning and right now I have no plan.

In the past week before we came here , uncountable times I've ran into Kelly and the British spy. The Asians have bought in more spies not mention the Liberators . It's nothing I can't handle but not with Shannon. I'm sleeping with one eye open and how I'm going to get her prenatal care. She's being lose colour and looking exhausted.

I watch the sunset as I sit by the rocks admiring the lake. I used to people watch to think of life and now I nature watch not to think of anything.

' Hey,' I smile weakly as I hear Shannon approach.

It's not that hard to hear as her steps are heavier and clumsy now . Her back must be killing her. She slowly tries to sit next to me and I assist with that.

She looks straight ahead to the sunset. I study her profile . Her dark eyes have lost their glow and she has dark circles . Her sharp cheekbones have been replaced by chubby cheeks and she looks softer and lovely yet washed up. She's tall but her slender figure has been replaced by curves.

' How are you?' She asks .

' I'm fine.'

She turns to face me and smiles. There is something warm and caring about her smile , she has never looked at me like that .

' You're lying.' She returns her attention to the sunset. ' Marvin , you have to take me back to the Rogers.'

' What?' I smirk , she must be joking but she looks serious. ' You can't be serious.'

' I am serious.'

' After everything I risked to get you back from there. We are in this mess because you didn't want to go to the Rogers in the first place.'

' In the first place I had I plan. Get cash from you and jump the border and have the babies with the help of smugglers but now....' She looks at me. ' David is dead and they have my mother and I have a father , siblings , nieces and nephews. We have been running for a whole month and a few weeks and these past four days are the only time I have actually slept well because you're not sleeping.
' You are a killer and I have always been a career woman and none of us no anything about parenting like most first time parents but this is messed up. In two and a half months I'll have to be induced and it would have been fine if we were with the Liberators , I mean with Rodrigo and Vanessa and I'm sure they have a pediatrician with billionaire sponsors who could get us everything but we are not with the Liberators and my health is deteriorating. If I miss carry all this would be for nothing.'

She has a point but I remain silent.

' David would have pulled a few strings,' She continues ,' but he is not here. I need prenatal care and natal care for the triplets. I'm not going back to the Liberators , they are liars but at least we know what the Rogers want. If you can get Veronica back and use her to negotiate terms with the Rogers and I know for sure Linda will give the triplets to her daughter and I to Christian that way we will be in a safe place , till the triplets are healthy enough to breathe alone.
' Then you can come and get us and I know you can.'

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