Ch. 26: The Child Arrives

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A few more months pass. Now it's early 1993. Your son is ready to be born anytime, now. You're in the living room with Henchman, Nelly, your mom and Andria as you all watch TV. A new cartoon had just aired on MTV. Beavis and Butthead. You're watching it and you love it, already.

It's the episode Door to Door. You're all laughing. It gets to a part where it shows an older woman in... well, in bondage clothing. You all laugh. Your mom says, "Oh, yuck." You say, "They were donating money at some weird people's houses. Then again down here, these would be your normal civilians." 

You get up and you say, "I'm getting some nachos. Ever since I got pregnant, that's been my craving." Andria gets up and says, "Hey, lady. I'm coming with you." You say, "Okay." You look at your mom and Henchman and you say, "We'll be back." Henchman says, "Okay." Your mom says, "We'll be here, kid." 

You and Andria walk out. She says, "Dice told me he had a night with you and the Devil once." You say, "Yeah. Before I was pregnant, it happened. Dice wanted at least one night with me. Even while I was a married woman." 

Andria grins and says, "And that poor Marcy outed you as some hell whore because of it? Girl, I knew Marcy before. She was screwing a boy before I myself knew what a blowjob was. Her poor great granny had no idea of that girl's intentions." 

You say, "She's the one who killed her." She says, "Wait, what? She seriously killed her own great grandma? Bitch." You say, "Poisoned her food and drink. My granddad told me. That's how poor Sally Stageplay died. At the hands of her own great-granddaughter whom she thought was just such an angel." 

Andria says, "I'm into some dark shit, but holy shit. I wouldn't go as far as to killing my own family members." You say, "Trust me. She's living in her own hell. I put a curse on her. Now she's living the rest of her life as a miserable single mother with nobody to support her. She'll possibly have her kids taken from her really soon, too." 

Andria says, "You'll be a better mom. I can tell with how you act towards that little... what's the thing's name? The round one the size of a magic eight ball." (Feels like I just made somewhat of a Mangosteen reference there. XD) You say, "Oh. Burpy." She says, "Yeah, him." 

You suddenly stop and you gasp. She stops and says, "Girl? You okay?" You clinch your stomach and you look down to see something drip from yourself and on the ground. Andria says, "Oh shit." You say, "Shit! M-my water broke! It's coming!!" 

Henchman and your mom run out and towards you. Henchman says, "(Y/N)? You alright?" You say, "The baby's coming!" Your mom notices the wet drops on the floor and she says, "Oh fuck. Come on, kid!" They all grab you and you pant a bit. Henchman says, "Deep breaths, your highness. Come with us." They take you out of there and to the Devil and the others.


A moment later, you're laying on a bed. Nelly let you take hers to give birth on. The Devil is by you as you have a hold on his hand. Your mom's in there. Turns out the one who's delivering the baby... is Henchman. Dice and Andria are in there, too. Nelly as well. 

You're panting and you say, "Th-this is gonna hurt like a motherfucker. I know it." You grip the Devil's hand. He grins with anticipation and says, "Ooh, here it comes. In a moment, I'm daddy Devil." You smile at what he says, then you go back to getting ready to give birth.

Henchman says, "Alright, your highness. Push." You grit your teeth and you grip the Devil's hand harder. He hisses and says, "Ow." You push and you yelp. You say, "F-fuck. This hurts. Shiiit!" You pant and you keep pushing, groaning as you do.

Your mom says, "Come on, kid. You gotta do this. Push!" You yell, "Shut up, dammit! I'm trying!!" You groan as you push. Your mom says, "Sounds just like any woman giving birth." You pant and you say, "You all made me do this!! Aaahh!!" Dice mumbles, "Boy, am I glad I'm a male." Andria says, "Oh shut it." He says, "Sorry, doll face." 

Henchman grins and says, "I see the head! You're doin' great, (Y/N)!" Dice sees this for himself, seeing everything. His face turns pale and he faints. Andria looks down and says, "Dice? You alright?" Henchman says, "One big push. You can do it!" You grip the Devil's hand, crushing it and he says, "Yoww!" You yell, "AAAHHH!!" 

Suddenly, there's the sound of crying from a baby. You sigh and you lay back. Your mom says, "You did great, kid. He's here." You sigh and you smile. You say, "That still hurt like a bitch." You look up to see the Devil, holding his hurt hand with the other and sniffling. You say, "Don't start crying. I'm the one who gave birth." He says, "But this hurts." You sigh and you say, "Never mind it."  

You sit yourself up and your mom and the Devil help you out with that. You sit back against the pillows and you look ahead. Henchman smiles and says, "Congratulations, boss and lady. It's a boy." You and the Devil see him for yourselves and you gasp. 

There he is. Your little boy. He looks more humanoid like, has a touch of black hair, tiny horns on his head, a tiny little pointy tail, a little buttony nose, pointy ears, etc. He's still crying. You sigh and you say, "There he is. My baby." 

Some imps come over to clean him up a bit and cut the umbilical cord. And so on. They wrap him up in a blanket and they hand him to you. You take him. He stops crying and he looks up at you, seeing his mama. 

You smile as you look down at him. He's got the same yellow eyes and red pupils like the Devil does. He looks like a baby version of him, but he's not fully covered in hair like the Devil is. Just the top of his head is black hair.

You softly say, "Hi, sweetie.~" He coos as he looks up at you. Devil leans in and he grins and says, "Oh, there he is. Daddy's little spawn of the underworld.~" You say, "We love you... Victor." Victor coos as he looks at you and the Devil. You lean down and you kiss Victor on the cheek. He coos. Henchman grins and says, "Daww. Congrats you two. He's gonna make a great follower to you, boss." 

The Devil says, "Indeed he is. I'll raise our little one to do as much evil as I've done." He looks down at Victor and says, "Isn't that right, Victor?~" Victor looks up at him, managing a little smile. You say, "Awe. He's looking at you, daddy." 

Your mom smiles and says, "Damn, I've got the cutest grandson." You say, "Mama. Call granddad. Let him know Victor is here." She says, "Alright. I will. I'll be back." She walks out. Devil takes Victor and says, "Victor... Daddy will teach you everything you need to know about taking souls, causing chaos upon the surface. Tormenting them. Oh, how great it will be to have my kid by my side." 

Victor looks up at him as if he'd be listening, despite not understanding anything yet. Andria grabs Dice and drags him away saying, "Sorry guys. I'll be back. I gotta try and wake Dice up." You say, "You do that. Poor Dice probably saw what he didn't want to see if he fainted." Andria leaves the room, dragging Dice out with her. 

Nelly says, "My room was the closest." You say, "That's fine, Nelly. I appreciate this." She says, "Anytime. He is freaking adorable though." You all adore the little prince of the underworld the rest of the time.

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