Ch. 11: A Drunken Henchman/ Devil's Lust Increasing

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You and Devil walk out and you see the others talking and having a good time. You look around for Henchman and you say, "Where's Henchman? He was over there before I got up and went with you." You point over the spot he sat. Now he's not there.

Devil looks down at one of his minions and says, "Excuse me... Where is Henchman?" The imp looks up and says, "Henchman? He's over there, sir." He points over and you and the Devil look over. You put your hand up to your mouth and you stifle a laugh.

Henchman is over by the table where the wine is. He's got a bottle in his hand. You could tell by the look on his face that he ended up drunk. You say, "Holy shit. That's awesome." Your mom approaches you and says, "I wasn't of any help. I ended up giving him at least three more glasses. Now the guy has a whole bottle." 

You and the Devil walk over. Henchman is standing there, leaning back against the table and he says, "H-hey guys. I... This is... a great event for the Devil himself. Our great and powerful a-and demonic ruler. W-what do you say, huh?" An imp next to him says, "Yeah. It sure is. The boss found a real keeper." Henchman says, "S-she's a nice lady. She seems to like our boss, too." He hiccups.

Henchman hears the familiar voice of the Devil saying, "Oh, Henchman." Henchman looks up to see the Devil. He says, "Oh. H-hey, boss. How you doin' sir?" He hiccups. Devil smirks. You giggle and you say, "Awesome." Henchman says, "I-I think this wine really... r-really did somethin' to me. I..." He stumbles and he says, "Oops." He chuckles and says, "I-I can't keep myself up, boss and lady." He hiccups.

You hold back an even harder laugh and you look at the Devil. He says, "Henchman. I think it's time you went to your room and slept off your booze." Henchman says, "B-but I'm havin'..." He hiccups and says, "a great time, boss." Devil says, "And I said now, Henchman." Henchman says, "Y-yes, boss." He falls forward and you catch him. 

You giggle and you say, "Alright, dude. Come on. Let's get you to your bed. Sleep it off." He says, "Daww. Y-you're too kind." He hiccups. The Devil helps you with supporting Henchman since he can't keep himself up with how drunk he is. Devil says, "To his room." 

You and the Devil walk out of there. The imps hold back a laugh. One named Craig says, "That's too funny. I never see Henchman of all demon kind drunk." Rudy says, "Hey. We're in Hell. It's normal for even kids to drink down here." Craig says, "Good point." 

You and the Devil get Henchman to his room and you take him in. He grips his bed and he crawls upon it. He plops down and he groans a bit saying, "E-everything's spinning, boss and lady. It's... weird." Devil says, "It's what a massive amount of alcohol does to you, Henchman. Pure sin... and I love it. Now get some rest." 

You see the cover and you grab it. You say, "Here." You pull the cover over Henchman. He sighs and smiles. You pat him on the head and you say, "Alright, dude. Sleep and sober up." You move away and you walk to the Devil. 

You whisper, "I think we should've gotten a bucket or a big bowl for him to put by his bedside in case he... upchucks." Devil smirks and snaps his fingers. A bucket appears next to Henchman's bedside, just in case he feels sick or whatever. Devil says, "There. He should be good, now. Come with me." You follow him out of Henchmans's room while the little chubby purple demon sleeps off his booze. 

(Not fat shaming btw. I'm not a meanie. Besides, Henchman's the cinnamon roll of demons from The Cuphead Show. Guy deserves love.)

As you and the Devil leave the room, he looks at you and he grins. You suddenly get pulled back and you gasp. The Devil pins you against the wall and he smirks and licks his lips. You blush and you look at him.

He says, "Get some rest now or enjoy the rest of the event, my dear. Tomorrow night... be up in my headquarters. So long as I get you to myself.~" You blush even more and you say, "Devil darling.~" He has half-lidded eyes and that lustful look on his face. He leans in and says, "I've waited to hear you call me that.~" 

He lets you go, but he pulls you close. He puts his hand on your face and he leans in to press his lips against yours into a kiss. You wrap your arms around him and you kiss him back. The Devil tilts his head a bit and he deepens the kiss. You let out a slight moan. Not too loud to anyone to hear, but just a slight one.

He pulls away and you sigh and look at him with half-lidded eyes. He says, "You are mine, tomorrow night, (Y/N). As long as I have you, the world is saved from my wrath.~" You say, "I get it. But that's okay... Biggest part of me wanted to be your sub, anyhow.~" He grins and says, "I love hearing that from you, my little minx.~

He leans in and licks you right on the lips. He says, "I'd love to have you right under me. Doing with you as I fucking please. I could fuck you right now. Up against this concrete wall... but the event is still going on and Henchman's right in the room, despite being too intoxicated to notice at the moment. But tomorrow night... is the night I look most forward to, (Y/N). Being over you as you lay there, giving into me and taking me. I want every inch of you. To touch you. To taste you. Hottest thing in the world. My queen.~" 

You blush and you smile saying, "Looks like I will have a bit of devil in me. Hint?~" He grins and says, "Dirty, sinful girl... I love it. I've longed for someone like you, (Y/N). Doesn't matter if you are Cuphead's granddaughter... You're mine, darling.~" You say, "You have the power. You rule all of the underworld... You've got me.~" He says, "Good.~" 

He pulls away and he suddenly changes his mood. He casually says, "So... How about we let Henchman sleep off his booze and we continue the event, huh?" You smile and you say, "Sounds good to me... Ol' Scratch." He chuckles and takes your hand. You walk with him to the others and your mom.

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