Ch. 18: Of Dice and Sin

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(The title's supposed to be a title name parody of... Of Mice and Men. XD)

You're up in yours and the Devil's room later on. It's 9pm and the Devil is downstairs. You're sitting on the circular bed. It's got red bedspread on it. Nice bed. And you now share it with the Devil, much to your joy. 

You did always secretly lust over the dark lord of the underworld. And now you're his wife and queen and extremely popular towards other demons. You'll even still tease Stickler out of amusement, making the Devil hold back a laugh at it.

Whether it was flashing your cleavage or even a nipple towards him or lifting the bottom of your short dress or skirt to give him a glimpse of your butt. You were wearing underwear of course, but still. Sure, it was mean... but you are in Hell and you are the queen. He'd sweat a bit at those sights. Because you knew even a boring auditor was about to lose it at how you behave.

Being a jerk towards a short, gawky demon guy like Stickler was alright to you and your husband. Being bad had become a thing to you since you are now a succubus, yourself and being bad is normal in the underworld.

You're sitting back on the bed as you look at a magazine. The radio in that room is playing Come as You Are by Nirvana. You hum and sing to it as you look at the magazine. You look towards the doors and back at the magazine.

As you look at it, you hear the doors opening and you hear the Devil says, "Oh, dear. A word with you." You look over to see him and you say, "What's up?" You sit up a bit as you face him. He approaches you. You sigh and you smirk. You stand on the bed, on your knees. 

You pull him close and you say, "Hey, Ol' Scratch. Come here.~" He grins and he gives you the half-lidded eye look. He says, "My dear.~" You both kiss each other for about twenty seconds, then you pull away. You say, "You had something to tell me?" 

He says, "Yes. Let's sit down." You move away and you sit on the bed. He gets up there with you and he sits with you. You face him. He looks at you and says, "Just something to inform you of, dear. I've had a talk with Dice." You say, "Something tells me this was going to be about Dice." He says, "Well. It is." 

You say, "I've suspected all this time that he was checking me out. I could feel his eyes on me at times. Even when I wasn't looking." He says, "He's confessed to me, (Y/N). But you are a tempting thing, are you not? Even the boring auditor Stickler loses it at the sight of you. Let's see if Mr. Stickler can take no more and he tries to tackle you." You both laugh a bit.

He sighs and says, "But anyways, yes. Dice and I have had a little talk, earlier." You say, "Whatever it is babe, you can tell me." You lean in and you say, "He wants to be involved with us for a night, doesn't he?" He says, "Looks like you've figured it out, (Y/N). He'll stop at nothing until he gets at least one night with you. I've accepted this with the catch that I'm involved." 

You look at him and you say, "Tell him I said it's alright with me." He grins and says, "Oh boy, will he love hearing about this. I'll tell him right away." He gets up. You say, "Anything for you, Ol' Scratch.~" He grins and says, "Another reason to love you, my dear. Such a sinful woman and I love it.~" You blush and you smile. 

You say, "But yeah. Tell Dice I said it's fine with me." He says, "I'll be back with him, asap." You say, "Okay." He walks out of the room. You lay back and you get more music on. Runnin' Down a Dream by Tom Petty. You say, "Oh. Good song." You sing to it as you lay on the bed. 

You suddenly hear the doors opening and the Devil saying, "I've got him." You sit up and you look over to see him. King Dice is with him, this time. You reach over to turn the radio off and you get up from the bed. 

You approach them and you stand in front of Dice. You grip the lapels of his suit and you say, "Guess you got the memo, huh Mr. Dice? I'm allowing it.~" He sighs and he smiles saying, "Oh, sweetheart. You have no idea how happy I am about this.~" 

You say, "Luckily for you Dice, this is a normal thing down here. Screwing someone's wife. Let alone the Devil's wife, so long as it's approved.~" Devil says, "She's right, you know." You say, "That's right, Dice. You're going to get what you want for tonight. I've been aware for quite sometime. I've felt your eyes on me when I was near you. Well... the wait stops for the night. Get in here.~" 

He grins and says, "Best night of my life since I came back from the dead. Big D. Thank you so much.~" Devil smirks and says, "Anytime, Dice. Now... Why don't we all get to the bed, huh? She's ours just for this night, Dice. After this, she's mine.~" You pull Dice close to the bed and you all get upon it. More happens between you, your husband and his right-hand man.


The next morning, you're sleeping on the bed. The Devil's on one side and on the other side of you is Dice. Dice has a smile on his face. Devil opens his eyes and he smirks and says, "Happy now, Dice? You got what you wanted." 

Dice says, "Yes sir, Big D. She's quite a woman. So hot.~" Devil says, "Yes she is, isn't she?" Dice says, "Any plans for later?" Devil says, "Yes, actually. I've got a soul to collect later. Stickler will bug me about it if I don't get it sooner. I know it." 

He chuckles and says, "Good thing my queen teases the guy with her seductive charm. Even HE loses it." Dice stifles a laugh and says, "Yeah. That is funny." You sigh in your sleep. Devil strokes your face and he says, "Keep resting, dear. You've had quite a wild night.~" 

You sigh and you smile. Dice lays back and he says, "Man, she is beautiful.~" He closes his eyes. Devil says, "I'll deal with the soul later. I'm the Devil. I do what I want." Dice says, "Much respect to you, sir." They continue resting and so do you.

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