Ch. 25: Gender Revealed/ New Date for King Dice

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Five months pass. Your stomach is getting bigger. The baby bump really shows, now. And soon, you'll all be finding out the gender of the child. You finally stopped throwing up within a month after finding out about your pregnancy.

You're in the kitchen right now and you're eating a few snacks. Mostly out of pregnancy cravings. You've been craving a lot of nachos and you made some just now. You're leaning against the counter as you eat them and you're listening to Enter Sandman by Metallica on the little radio on the counter. You say, "Mm. Man, I love nachos right now. So good." You eat some more.

You hear this, "Umm. Your highness." Sounded like Henchman. You look over and you say, "Oh. Hey, Henchman. How are you, dude?" He says, "Good. Um... the boss sent me up there to get you. Wants me to bring you downstairs. That demon guy he's mentioned is here to reveal the gender of the kid." You put the nachos down and you say, "Oh, right on. Let's go." You and Henchman head out of the kitchen.

You both head downstairs and you get to the others. Your mom's there. The Devil. Dice. Stickler. Nelly. Everyone. Devil smiles and says, "Thank you, Henchman. Bring her over here. Benson is here." (No, not Benson from Regular Show. XD)

You and the Devil approach a slender figure in a black coat. Hood is up and you only see red eyes behind it. In a raspy voice, he says, "Ah, good. The one carrying the child of the dark lord, himself. Hello, your highness. I'm Benson." You smile and you say, "Hello, Benson. Queen (Y/N). Wife of the Devil." 

He says, "Very good. So, you want to know the gender of the unborn child of the demonic ruler?" You and Devil both say, "Yes." Benson says, "Very good. Your highness. I am sensing the gender of the unborn... Ah, yes. I got it... You happen to be carrying a boy." Devil grins and can't help but get excited with a bit of a squeal. You say, "Oh hey. Awesome. A boy." Henchman smiles and says, "Congrats to you, boss and lady." 

You look down at your stomach and you say, "We'll see you soon when you get here... Victor." Your mom says, "So that's your name for him, huh?" You say, "I always did like that name." Benson looks at the Devil and he bows saying, "I bid you a good luck, your unholiness." 

Devil smiles and says, "Thank you, Benson. My wife is super stoked about being a parent. As am I." Benson says, "I'll be going, now. I congratulate you and the queen." He turns around and he walks out of there. 

Your mom saying, "Hey kid. Come with me." You say, "Okay." You hear this, "Burpity burp. Bada bap." You say, "Oh, hold on." You look down to see Burpy. You say, "Come here, Burpy. Feeding time for you." He jumps up into your arms and you hold him. You say, "Want some food?" He smiles. You say, "Nothing spicy for you right now though." 

His smile fades and he makes an 'awe' sound. You smirk and you say, "Sorry, little guy. You can't control that fire breath if you do eat anything gassy. Healthy from now on." He sighs and he looks at you, nodding. You say, "Good." You look at the others and you say, "We'll be back." You and your mom walk off.

You and your mom walk down the hallway. You've got Burpy in your arms. Your mom says, "Burpy sure loves you, kid." You smile and you say, "Yeah." You pet Burpy on the head and he makes a cooing sound and smiles. You say, "He's just the cutest little finest demon I've seen is all." Burpy says, "Burpity burp, bada bap." 

Your mom says, "I'm getting some booze to drink." You say, "Normally, I'd say yes to that and it's normal in Hell for a pregnant woman to drink, but I'm not risking damaging my kid." She says, "Smart thinking, kid. I'll drink for you." You and your mom get to another room to hang out. You just eat some food and you drink a glass of water.


Later on, Dice is upon the surface. Reason is his date had been informed of him. Nelly got to this woman. He's standing by the elevator to the underworld as he waits for her. He straightens his bowtie and he says, "Any minute now, she'll be here. I wasn't told her name. I'll hear it from her." He stands there and waits.

He suddenly hears a feminine voice saying this, "Hey. You must be him. King Dice." He looks over and he smirks. Nelly was not lying. This woman standing before him does seem to almost resemble you, only blonde hair and green eyes. Lips are shaped a little differently. And she's not currently pregnant. She has on a short blue dress and red heels.

She grins and she says, "Hey. I'm Andria Lovelace. That short Nelly chick told me about you." He grins and says, "Yes, ma'am. I'm the one and only, King Dice. Uh, well you wouldn't have known me fully. I was actually..." 

She says, "A game show host in the 1930s? Nelly told me that, too. Said you died as an old drunken man outside a retirement home in the early 80s, but came back to life from some green pool... Right?" He says, "Y-yeah. That's exactly what happened. At least I revived young. That's a plus." 

She says, "Hey, listen. I'm sorry I didn't get to meet you sooner Dice. I was on a trip and was gone for a few months. I had some family to visit. It's a city on another island. Vintage City. It's... pretty far from here. I took a plane. But I'm back now." He smirks and says, "So, Andria. What do you say about coming down to Dante's inferno with me to meet the big man himself and his wife? I've been told you're a dark-sided gal." 

She smirks and says, "Well, they're not lying handsome. I've been into all of that for quite a while. Guys who join the most evil being in the world kind of interest me. I'm always up for trouble. I've got quite a kinky side to me, too. If you're down for that, I am... Interested?" 

He grins and says, "Yes, ma'am.~" He holds his hand out and she takes it. She says, "Lead the way, stranger.~" He chuckles and he says, "I'm one lucky Dice.~" He brings her in the elevator and it closes behind them. It goes down into the underworld.

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