Ch. 13: Devil's Talk with Henchman/Surprise Revival

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A day goes by. You're in the throne room with the Devil and Henchman. You sigh and you smile as you sit on Devil's lap and you lean against him. He smirks and says, "I've got you all to myself, (Y/N). You amazed me, last night.~" You blush and you giggle. Henchman twiddles his fingers and peeks over at you guys.

He says, "So um... What happened in there last night, boss?" Devil says, "A moment with the lady, Henchman." Henchman says, "With her naked?" You look at Henchman as you realize something. You say, "Wait." 

You sit up and you say, "Henchman... Has nobody had a talk with you about any of this?" Henchman says, "About what?" Devil catches on and he realizes it himself. He face palms and says, "Crap... All of these years, I've never had the time to explain it to him. And I'm the Devil for fuck sakes." You say, "I think it's time, Devil darling.~" 

You get up from his lap and he gets up. He looks over at Henchman and says, "Come, Henchman. It's time you knew what you've witnessed." Henchman says, "O-okay. Sure, boss." Devil looks back at you and says, "We'll be a moment, my dear.~" You smirk and you lick your lips. He grins and says, "Yes. I know. Last night was fun, wasn't it?~" You blow a kiss. 

You look at Henchman and you say, "You really need to know about this stuff, Henchman. You've been around forever... and you're a demon. All demons have to know every sin, right?" Devil says, "She does make a point. Come on, Henchman." He walks off and Henchman follows his boss. You sit on the Devil's throne and you sit back to relax. You sigh and you smile saying, "Still... Last night was amazing. He was so fucking great.~" 

Devil gets Henchman to another room and Henchman faces him. He says, "So um... What was that all about, boss? Why was (Y/N) on your bed, completely nude?" Devil sighs and casually says, "Henchman... There's something you need to know. A lot of mortals are obsessed with doing this upon the surface, too. There's a thing called sex."

Henchman says, "Sex? I've heard of this, but never witnessed it." Devil says, "You'll know now. Two people get together. Lust and love are in them and that's how they feel. They share the same fetishes or the same interests with each other and their bodies make them feel a certain way. So, here's how it happens..." 

Minutes later after the Devil explaining the so called 'birds and bees' to Henchman, despite Henchman being somewhat a grown immortal demon... he was still naive. But now after what his boss had talked to him about, he blushes and says, "Aw gee. S-so that's how it happens, huh boss?" 

The Devil says, "Correct, Henchman. There are other things to call sex. Making love, which is all the soft shit. Fornicating describes mainly not being in a real relationship and they just do it. My favorite term... is fucking. Most people upon the surface prefer that term which amazes me about mortals upon the surface, Henchman. The way those people do it. There's also a thing called BDSM..." He explains that one, too.

Henchman says, "Aw, gee. Is that supposed to be like the tortured souls down here chained up or tied on ropes, but like what you were talking to me about?" Devil smirks and says, "I see that you get it, now. Very good. I'm the Devil, Henchman. What I love about the surface is that the majority of mortals have their little fun before marriage. But twenty years from now, none of that is going to matter up there, anymore. Nobody will give a damn about the whole 'illegitimate child' bullshit and there will be more of premarital sex than there will be after the couple are married. It's normal down here, anyhow." 

Henchman says, "Wow. So that's what it was, huh? What you and (Y/N) did, last night and why she was naked?" Devil says, "That's right. Now you know. We fucked. Come with me, Henchman. (Y/N)'s waiting for us." 

Henchman says, "Uh, boss?" Devil says, "Yes... Henchman?" Henchman says, "Thanks for this talk." Devil sighs and says, "Sure thing. Anytime. Come on." Henchman follows his boss out of there.

(XD Does this seem like the Devil was acting like a father figure at the moment, but like an ornery father who gambles, smokes and drinks or something and has to try to explain to his kid about THE TALK?)

You see the Devil coming back with Henchman. They approach you. You get up and you walk over. You say, "So... Does he get it, now?" Devil says, "Yes. I've explained it all to him." Henchman says, "Um... Y-yeah. He did." 

You say, "Good. You had to know, anyways. You can't be that naive as a demon, Henchman. Just saying, dude. Every demon including yourself has to know every sin." Henchman says, "Yeah. I know." You say, "I'm getting kind of hungry now. No lie." Devil says, "Henchman." Henchman says, "I'll get dinner ready, boss." Devil says, "Very good." Henchman walks off. 

You look at Devil. He looks at you and says, "You'll be the queen of Hell soon, my dear. Even our Henchman will do anything you want. Just know that. You have the privilege to order my minions around. You'll have even more of it as Hell's queen." You say, "Sounds badass." He says, "You're damn right it does.~" You blush at his voice. 

He says, "By the way. Head for the nearest bathroom and look in the mirror. After you and I had a moment together... something had changed about you." You say, "What would it be?" He says, "Look in the mirror and see for yourself, my dear." 

You walk off and you head for the nearest bathroom. You get in there and you turn the light on. You walk to the mirror and you gasp. You say, "Wait a sec... Are those what I think they are?" On your head, you've sprouted two horns. Even your (eye color) eyes are much brighter where it was inhuman. It dawns on you and you say, "I... I'm a demon." 


Later on at around midnight, there's a vault with souls in it. But there is one certain soul that manages to escape from it after about... twelve years. It leaves through a crevice in the concrete wall and travels through some pipes.

It finds its way to a green glowing pool about a mile from the Devil's castle. The soul gets in the green glowing pool and it starts to bubble rapidly. A few imps see this for themselves and they rush over. One says, "Hey! A soul got out and got into the revival pool!" Another says, "But who would be smart enough to do that after being dead or selling their soul to the boss?" 

The bubbling stops and out comes an arm. A familiar long purple sleeve and pure white gloved hand comes out and the hand grips the ground above the pool. The imps gasp and one says, "I-it can't be." 

They see another arm come out. They pull themselves up and they look very similar to a certain mortal who died twelve years previous. He gasps and he pants heavily after getting out of the revival pool. Turns out... it's King Dice. But he appears to be as young as he was when he hosted his show Roll the Dice back in the 30s.

He's out and he sits on his knees. He has his hands on the ground and he pants. He catches his breath and he looks up saying, "I... I'm... I'm alive." He looks around himself and sees a lack of wrinkles on himself. He says, "A-and I..." 

He smiles and says, "I revived young." He manages to get himself up. He wobbles a bit because it's been years since he's been alive. He stands straight and walks. He laughs a bit and says, "This is great! I'm alive and well!" He stops and he smiles and says, "Time for the boss to see his number one." He walks off to find the Devil.

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