Ch. 6: The Devil's Evil Doing/Giving In

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Three days go by. You're still staying with your grandfather. But you keep getting a visit from the Devil. He'll be telling you stuff like, "Surrender yourself to me, (Y/N)." or "Be mine, (Y/N)." or "I get you to myself or all of Inkwell Isle suffers my wrath..." And so on. You couldn't say anything at the moment. Your granddad will always shield you and tell him to buzz off or leave you be.

It didn't work though. You went walking into the city earlier and you saw a wasp man looking like he was depressed. You asked what was wrong and he said this, "Uuuhh... ugh... D-devil... took my soul." He collapsed and you gasped and ran to get help.

Even the lights in the hospital went out of control and the patients were going crazy. You ran back to your grandfather and he said this, "Don't go into the city, (Y/N). It's too dangerous. The Devil's got them all doomed." 

You're up in your room and you're sitting on your bed. You look towards the window and you sigh. You hear the Devil's voice saying, "Give in, (Y/N). Be mine and mine alone.~" You yell, "Leave me alone, dammit!!" 

He chuckles and says, "Never!" You groan and you lay back saying, "Bastard." You hear him saying, "I won't stop my chaos until you give in to me, (Y/N) (L/N). Be mine or they suffer even more. Why don't you go and give your dear friend Marcy Stageplay a visit, huh? The great-granddaughter of a former runaway debtor of mine." 

You sit up and you say, "Come again?" You hear him saying, "Go ahead, sweetheart. See for yourself." You get up and you run out of there. You run downstairs and your grandpa sees you. He says, "(Y/N)? What's wrong, honey?" 

You say, "I gotta get to Marcy!" You run out of the house and Cuphead gets up saying, "Oh god. What happened?... Devil! You better not have had anything to do with it!" He hears chuckling from the Devil and the Devil says, "I'll save the best for last, old man. You." Cuphead squints his eyes.

You drive into island 3 and you get to your apartment building. You park outside and you get out of your car. You run inside and you get up to your apartment. You frantically knock and you yell, "Marcy!... Marcy?!" No answer. You say, "Oh shit!" You grip the doorknob and you open the door. You run in and you gasp.

There's Marcy. She looks like she's under control like a puppet. Her eyes are pure white and she looks to be floating. So does her new boyfriend Simon. You say, "Holy shit!! Marcy!" You back away and you say, "Devil! What the hell?!!" You hear laughter from the demonic ruler himself and you see him appear. You gasp.

He grins and says, "You see? There's going to be a lot worse with others... including your granddaddy and your great-uncle." You say, "Please... don't." He says, "Give yourself to me, (Y/N). Be mine. My woman. My desire more than anything else in this universe... is to have YOU as my wife. Give in... or give others' souls to me. Your choice, baby... You have four days. Four days... and all of Inkwell Isle will be wiped out, leaving just you. I don't want to have to sacrifice YOU. Not the woman I'm in love with. You are mine, (Y/N).~" 

You run out of there and you run down the stairs. You get to your car and you get in. You start it and you drive out of there. You drive back to island 1 and you get to your grandpa's house. You get out of your car and you run to the house yelling, "Granddad!!" You see the door opening and there he is. You get to him and he holds you close.

You hug him and you sob. He sighs and he says, "He got to her, didn't he?" You sigh and you say, "He'll stop at nothing. I know it." You sniffle. He says, "My god. And I thought I had to deal with my fate back in the day. This devastates me even more. My own grandchild." He holds you close. You say, "Poor Marcy." You sob and you say, "He got to her and Simon Carnation!" 

Cuphead says, "Ah, shit." He comforts you. You suddenly see the sky turn red and you gasp. You and your grandpa separate and you see this for yourselves. Cuphead says, "Devil!! Give it up, already!! You're not takin' my granddaughter!" You sigh and you look away. You knew what needed to be done. You knew the Devil would stop at nothing until he got what he wanted.

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