Ch. 21: A Glimpse of the Past for Hannah (The Car Incident)

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(Yeah. I know. Some of these chapters get intense as they go. This one's showing the flashback of (Y/N)'s mom Hannah leaving her in a hot car as a toddler while high on drugs... and Mugman coming to the rescue like it mentioned, earlier.)

You're in the living room watching TV. The show Dinosaurs is on. The Not the Mama episode. With you is the Devil, Henchman, your mom, King Dice, the imps, etc. The not the mama part comes up and you, Henchman and the imps laugh. 

Devil chuckles and says, "Oh, I've seen kids like that one upon the surface. Ornery little things. I admire that." Dice says, "Oh, I was worse. I know it." You say, "What did you do, Dice?" He says, "Glad you've asked, oh lady of the underworld... and hot as hell. Even before I was pickpocketing citizens in Inkwell Isle, I was a troubled tot. I would lock my parents in their room for hours. Destroy the house by breaking a vase or smashing a window with a baseball bat or whatever. You name it. I was a demon seed from the start." 

You smirk and you say, "Sounds like you were asking to be down here to begin with." Dice says, "Well. I am now. Proud of it, too. I serve the boss any way I can. By the way, thanks for the tail." You smirk and you roll your eyes saying, "Anytime, Dice." 

Henchman says, "Tail? Like one that wags or like a tale like a story?" Nelly says, "Ha! You're so naive for a demon." You say, "Nelly, lay off." She says, "Sorry, chick." You look at Henchman and you say, "When he says tail, Henchman... he means he got exactly what you saw after the Devil and I..." He says, "Oh..." Then it clicks and he says, "Ooh, okay. I see." 

You say, "Yeah. So, when someone says they got some tail, they mean... pussy." He says, "R-right. Got it." You say, "Good thing the Devil had that talk with you." Dice says, "You mean he didn't know, before?" Devil says, "One of my regrets. Not telling him, sooner. Like, over hundreds of years ago. I got so caught up in other things. Pretty stressful if you ask me. Even if I am the Devil." 

You put your hands on his shoulders and you rub them a bit. He gasp and he sighs and smiles. His eyes are half-lidded and he says, "Oh.. Ooh, yes. Ooh, that's fantastic.~" He purrs a bit. You kiss him on the cheek and you say, "Hate to see you so stressed, Ol' Sratch. Let your queen know if you need anything at all. And I do mean anything.~" 

The others say, "Oooh." Henchman giggles and says, "I get it." King Dice says, "Oh, now you do?" You look at him and you sternly say, "Dice." He says, "O-okay okay. Sorry. I get it. You're protective or your guys' Henchman." 

You smile and you say, "That's right, I am." Henchman smiles and says, "Daww. Thanks, boss's lady." The Devil says, "I can assure you Dice that the queen will show a more hostile side towards her if anyone were to harm one hair on Henchman. She is MY wife after all. And she cares deeply for Henchman." Dice says, "R-right... Got it." You smile.

Your mom sighs. You look at her and you say, "Mom? You okay?" She says, "Y-yeah. I'm fine. Just had... a thought." She gets up. You say, "Well? What is it?" She says, "I'm taking a nap." She heads out of there. You yell, "Mama?! Mama, what's wrong?!" 

Devil smirks and says, "I'm sure your dear mother will have a horrifying flashback. You might want to tend to her later on." You sigh and you say, "You serious?" You look where your mom ran off to and you say, "Alright. I'll get to her." 


Later on at night, your mom's in her room sleeping on her bed. As she lays there, her radio is faintly playing the song Walk This Way by Aerosmith. As she lays in her bed, she suddenly tosses and turns as she gets a flashback slash dream.


It's the year 1974 and it's July. You're two years old. You're in the car with your mom and in the backseat in your car seat. Your mom is driving and she's got something in her hand. She manages to maneuver the steering wheel and get what she had ready, in her hand.

Cuphead's Relative (Devil x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz