Ch. 8: Surprise Visitor

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You're in your room now. You're laying back on your bed and you sigh. Henchman had just left to his own headquarter five minutes ago. You look over at the radio and you say, "Hm... I could go for some jams right now." You sit up and you crawl to the right side of the bed where the nightstand is and where the radio sits.

You turn it on and you get it on the song Poison by Alice Cooper. You smile and you say, "That's better. It's too quiet without music. Good music, that is. Hmm... I'm in Hell. I could probably crank this up as loud as I wanted, right? And no neighbors would knock on my wall or my door to tell me to shut the hell up." 

You smirk and you lay back saying, "I could poke at a guy hanging on a chain or have a bunch of people in my room for an orgy and that would be the norm down here. But I'm not doing that. The second part, at least. Oh my god..." You sit up and you say, "Weed's legal everywhere down here!" You grin. 

You sigh and you say, "I love granddad and everyone else family and friend wise upon the surface... Though being down here in the underworld won't be so bad. So long as I'm alright and so is everyone else upon the surface. My favorite customs like my music taste, fetishes and sick fantasies are normal down here. They have to be. It's Hell... Oh and um..." 

You crawl to the radio and you turn it up, louder. You lay on the bed. The song is at the part where Alice Cooper is singing, "I wanna love you, but I better not touch. I wanna hold you, but my senses tell me to stop. I wanna kiss you, but I want it too much. I wanna taste you, but your lips are venomous poison..." 

Right outside, one of the Devil's little minions is walking by and he stops as he hears music. He approaches your bedroom door and listens in saying, "If this is where the Devil's new bride to be is sleeping, her music is at least normal... Hmm. I wonder what she looks like." 

He reaches a hand up to the doorknob and he twists it. He opens the door and he peeks in to see a woman laying on the bed, stretching on the bed a bit. He grins and says, "Hubba hubba. No wonder the boss wanted her. She is cute.~" He leaves and he shuts the door behind him. He walks off and says, "Wow... I gotta tell the boys about HER." He walks off.


The next day, you're up. You've got a new change of clothes on. You've just left your room after you heard Henchman at your door. You're walking with him right now. You say, "So, the Devil has something planned for me, huh?" He says, "Yeah. Says you've got a surprise visitor. He told me not to tell you." You say, "That is what surprises are made for, right?" 

He says, "Yeah." You say, "Question, Henchman. What's it like working for the Devil as his henchman? Is he alright around you?" He says, "Huh? Oh yeah. He is. I've been serving him for many centuries. He can be a bit temperamental though if things don't go his way." 

You say, "Like any boss. Devil or not. There are religious people in Inkwell Isle who are more judgmental than some of the demons down here." Henchman says, "The boss had told me this before, too." You say, "You know, Henchman? You're not so bad." He smiles and says, "Daww. Gee." He manages a tiny blush.

You get to some double doors and you open them. You look to see a bunch of imps who are the Devil's minions. One male imp looks over and gasps saying, "Sir! She's here!" The imps look over to see you with Henchman and they grin. One says, "Wow, Rudy. You weren't lying. She is cute." 

The Devil turns around as he hears his minions. He says, "What's all the commotion? I..." He sees you and Henchman and he grins. He approaches you and he says, "Good. You're here. Everyone. I'd like you all to welcome our new arrival. This is her. My wife to be. (Y/N) (L/N)." The minions applaud and even cheer because the majority of them find you hot. You say, "Um. Hey." You wave at them. 

Devil says, "Henchman. Bring her to me. She's got her surprise visitor arriving here soon." Henchman says, "Sure thing, boss." You walk to the Devil and he looks at you. He grins and you manage a blush. He holds his hand out and he says, "Come over here, my dear.~" You take his hand.

You walk with him. Right behind you two, one of the imps checks you out and whispers, "Nice legs, too.~" They grin and they nod. You say, "I get the impression that your minions are gawking at me." He says, "Can you blame them, dear? You are only the loveliest thing to be brought down here in the underworld by far. Even their own females don't compare to you." 

You look at him and he looks at you saying, "Sleep well, my dear?" You say, "Yeah. I did." He says, "Good. By the way, the surprise is just right through the door straight ahead if you care to come with me." You say, "Okay." 

He walks and you walk with him. He says, "This is an individual from Inkwell Isle like yourself. They've made a deal with me, recently. You'll know when you see her." You say, "Her?" He says, "Yes. Trust me, you'll want to see her." 

He opens the door and you see someone with their back turned. But the hair color looked all too familiar. She had the porcelain complexion like your grandpa does. You say, "Wait... Is that?" Devil says, "Oh, Hannah." You say, "Wait, Hannah?" He says, "That's correct. The name ring a bell?" 

You see the person turn around and you gasp. Turns out... it's your mom, Hannah. She's just much older now than the last time you saw her. You say, "M-mama?" She sees you and she says, "Wait..." She approaches you and she says, "(Y/N)... Is that you? After so many years?" You say, "Yeah. It's me." The Devil stands aside. 

Your mom gets to you and hugs you close. You hug her back. You say, "B-but... how?" She moves away and says, "I escaped prison... again. But this time, I got away successfully. I've stumbled upon Satan here and he told me you were down here. The only way I could avoid going to prison, possibly for the rest of my life was to come down here and live down here." 

You say, "How did you find all of this out? Even before escaping." She says, "Your grandpa called me in prison and broke the news about you going with the Devil himself. Freaked me out at first, so I did my escape plan. Easy as pie. I came face to face with him and told me that if I live down here, never show my face upon the surface again. So... here I am." 

You say, "Wow. You and I are both here now, huh?" Your mom says, "Devil here told me you went with him to also save everyone else upon the surface." Devil grins and says, "That's correct, Hannah. Your precious daughter surrendered herself to me so willingly... and I'm glad she did. Think about it you two. This is better than her being up there and refusing to go with me, leaving everyone up there doomed and YOU rotting in prison for the rest of your life for escaping. Go have a mother and daughter talk if you need to. Come back to me when you're done." 

Your mom says, "Alright." Your mom looks at you and says, "Wherever your room is honey, we'll talk up there... Damn, it's been so long. You grew so beautifully." You smile. You look at Devil and you say, "We'll be back." He says, "Be waiting for you, my dear.~" You follow your mom out of there.

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