Ch. 3: The Stranger at the Nightclub

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Saturday gets here. Tonight is the night you and Marcy will go to the new nightclub that opened up. Club Craze. You were going to bring Porkchop with you. Porkrind's grandson and new owner of the potion shop after Porkrind passed away.

Marcy's at work at the moment though and so is Porkchop. You're off work for today and you're visiting your grandpa Cuphead. He loved when you would visit and you're there right now. He's sitting in his chair in the living room. 

He's got a radio next to him that he bought last year. It's slightly new, but you got him some cassette tapes of music he and your uncle Mugman used to listen to in their younger days. He's got one on right now. It's playing March Winds and April Showers by Abe Lyman.

Cuphead has a pipe in his mouth and he gets his out of his mouth. He looks at you and says, "It's great havin' you come visit your old granddad, honey. It ain't easy on your own, ya know." You say, "Yeah. I know. At least I've got Marcy living with me." 

He says, "Are you two makin' any plans later on?" You say, "Yeah actually. A new nightclub opened up on island 3 where I live now. Club Craze is the name." He says, "Ah, I see. Yeah, you young ones and your loud music and your boomboxes and stereos. And let alone, nightclubs with a lot of booze and drugs. Don't do the drugs, honey. They're bad for ya." You say, "I won't, granddad." 

He says, "Have fun, though. Just be careful ya don't bump into any creeps in there. Even clubs in my days had a lot of those. You're a young woman. Let alone my grandbaby. Anything happened to ya... I don't know what I'd do. I don't want ya makin' any mistakes like your mom did and wind up in jail 'cause of it. I know you're a grown woman now, but I worry about you on your own all the time." 

You say, "Yeah, I know. Don't worry, granddad. I'll be fine. Nothing's happened to me so far, right?" He says, "Right. Just be on the lookout for any creeps. Come to me for anything, honey. I'm here for ya. You're my granddaughter and I love ya. I want nothin' more than your safety. You understand?" You say, "Yeah." You and your grandpa continue talking.


Later on in the evening, you're on your way to the new nightclub that opened up, recently. Club Craze. A lot of young people like yourselves are raving about it and going. Marcy is driving. With you guys are two more people. 

A pig guy in his mid-twenties and wearing a Metallica shirt. That would be Porkchop. The girl sitting next to him is Stella Stone. She's the granddaughter of Hilda Berg. Hilda's in a retirement home now, but Stella will visit her.

Marcy says, "Alright guys. Ready to have fun at the new club?" You all cheer a bit. Porkchop says, "Heh. I'm down, man. I've got the 'potions' with me. Heh heh. Drugs I mean." Stella grins and says, "Nice. Count me in, Choppy." You look back and you say, "Stella. You're high right now. Do you really need anymore?" 

Porkchop laughs and says, "She smoked half a bag of the weed I had hidden in my shop." Marcy says, "Wow, Stella. Already prepared for the club, huh?" Stella says, "Why not be high going in and high coming out? Weed doesn't even kill you, man." You sigh and you say, "Oh well." Little are you aware, you were in for a real surprise once you get into the nightclub.

You get there and you get out of the car. You all walk towards the entrance. The bouncer sees you guys. He's a living bouncy ball the size of a child. He says, "Yo, come on in. Have fun. Party hardy. Ha ha. Enjoy, ladies and gents." He lets you all in and you get inside.

You look around and you see a bunch of people dancing, talking, drinking, some making out, etc. The song playing is Jump Around by House of Pain. You move your head a bit to the song. Marcy says, "I'm getting you a drink, girl." You say, "Okay." 

You get your drinks and you look at the people dancing. Porkchop has a drink in his hand and he's dancing a bit and singing, "Jump. Jump. Jump..." and so on. He takes a drink of his booze. You, Marcy and Stella dance too.

Suddenly, someone comes in. They're in a trench coat, but the hands and feet are similar to a demonic ruler. Next to him is a shorter fat guy. Turns out it's the Devil and Henchman in trench coats. Devil looks around and he grins. 

He says, "This is the place, Henchman. I'm looking for the girl I want." Henchman says, "What should I do, boss?" Devil says, "In the meantime, Henchman... have fun. Dance." Henchman smiles and says, "Sure thing, boss." He runs to the dance floor and he gets his coat off. Others see him and he dances. They join in. 

Devil says, "Good. While Henchman's distracted at the moment, I'm looking for her. The one... Hmm..." He looks around. But then he sees four people dancing. A pig guy, a blonde woman in a blue shirt and black pants, a red headed woman with a red dress and silky cheetah skirt and a woman with (hair color) hair, black shirt with droopy sleeves, tight blue pants, etc. 

He takes a good look at you and he sees your face. He grins and says, "Ooh... Such beauty. I've found her." He walks closer to where you and your friends are. He's still in the trench coat. You stop and you sigh and smile saying, "This is fun!" Marcy says, "Right? I know I'm having fun! I'm gonna find me a freaking stud tonight, baby! Woo!" You giggle.

Marcy hears whistling and she looks over at a plant guy with leafy hands, a sunflower like head, pointy nose, etc. He grins at Marcy and he yells, "Hey you! Baby! Come over here!" Marcy grins and says, "Woo! Alright! My wish has been fulfilled!" 

She runs to the plant guy. He says, "What's your name, babe?" She says, "Marcy Stageplay." He grins and says, "Simon Carnation, babe. Want another drink after that one?" She says, "Hell yeah." He says, "Alright." You smirk and you walk to the bar. The Devil smirks and says, "And my wish shall be fulfilled as well." He approaches you.

You sit at the bar and you sigh. You suddenly hear a masculine voice saying this, "Need another?" You look over to see a strange guy in a trench coat. But you see gray hands with claws on them and you see that he's got pointy ears.

You say, "Um. S-sure." He grins and says, "I'll gladly get you one. You just finish that one and your next drink is on me, my dear." You say, "Who are you?" He says, "Let's just say... I'm new in town. I'm from... the south." You say, "I see." He says, "You can call me Ol' Scratch. You can say it's a... club name I've come up with." You say, "Ol' Scratch? Like the devil or Satan or something?"

He says, "Yes. I am quite a Satanic man. It's something I'm more comfortable with." You say, "Hey. Believe what you want to believe. I'm not one to judge." He grins and says, "Ah, that's great. I knew there was something interesting about you. What's your name, dear?" You say, "(Y/N) (L/N)." 

He says, "(Y/N)... I'll be happy to offer you another drink after that one." You say, "Well, I appreciate it... Ol' Scratch. What do you do for a living?" He says, "You could say I'm one powerful man, (Y/N). I run quite a show. I've got my henchman to accompany me. He's... distracted at the moment. Over there." 

You look over to see a fat little purple demon guy dancing. You say, "He looks like he's having fun." He says, "Yes. He really does like to get out every now and then. I see he's gained a bit of popularity with the crowd. I came here for a good reason." You finish your drink and you say, "And that is?"

He gets you another drink and he seems to be doing something with it. You unaware. He's rubbing his thumb on the bottle and it seems to nearly glow. He holds it out to you and he says, "Here. This one is specially for you, dear." You smile and you say, "Thanks, Ol' Scratch." You take it and you take a drink. 

He grins and says, "Yes. Just drink up and you'll be in for a surprise." You say, "Yeah? What surprise?" He says, "You'll know soon. Trust me." He gets up and says, "I'll be around. You and your friends have your fun. We'll perhaps meet again really soon, (Y/N)." 

You say, "Nice meeting you, Ol' Scratch." He grins and grabs your hand saying, "Same to you, my dear.~" He leans down and kisses your hand saying, "Same to you.~" You blush and you smile. He stands straight and he says, "We'll see each other again, (Y/N). That I can guarantee you." 

He turns and walks away. You were unaware that it was the devil himself in a trench coat. He gets to Henchman and says, "Oh, Henchman!" Henchman stops and walks over saying, "Did you find her, boss?" 

Devil grins and says, "Yes, Henchman. I did. Her name is (Y/N) (L/N). Soon... she'll be mine to have.~" He chuckles and says, "Let's go." They head out and back down to Hell. You and your friends continue having fun at the club.

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