35. Secrets from the Grave

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I smile and the gorgeous male, making his signature drink and passing it too him. "Good evening, Lee Taemin, no work suit?"

"Minho and I called in sick, wanted to have a long weekend." He laughs at his explanation.

"Where is Minho?" I ask the smiley male.


"Many plans for your long weekend?" Here we go, operation get into Lee Taemin's head and get him to side with us, phase one commence.

"Nothing really, might go to lunch." He nonchalantly throws out.

"I don't work till the night, we should catch up, maybe grab something to eat before my shift?" I set my plan in motion, Taemin and I have hung out before once, so it wasn't the most random thing to ask.

"It's been nine months since the last time we hung out, and that ending up in us running from the police after throwing toilet paper over the trees and fountain at the park." He smiles brightly. "I would love to."

"I promise no exercise this time, just a nice warm dinner." Minho comes back from the bathroom and pats Taemin's shoulder. "I'll text you tomorrow."

"Miss. Lee." Minho smiles at me.

"Mr. Choi." I nod my head back. Both Taemin and Minho leave the bar, making their way down to the dance floor.

"Are you sure you can get him on our side?" Chanyeol questions me seriously.

I move to stand back in front of Chanyeol and Sehun, noticing that their tower competition has come to a halt. "He's not a bad guy, just about to do something bad. I know I can get through to him. It's either he sides with us and can still live a normal life, or he doesn't and lives a completely different lifestyle."


I knew Baekhyun wanted to show me something, what I didn't know was that it going to be the same riverbank that we used to spend special moments here. We shared our first kiss here, as hot, and steamy as it was, it was also loving and special. A moment in time I'll never be able to forget, even if I wanted to.

The weather wasn't that cold anymore, so my black denim jacket was providing enough warmth over my turtleneck. Baekhyun's grey jumper over his back dress pants was an odd combo, yet he makes it look like it was meant to be. His sepia hair lightly tousled in the slight wind, a few strands landing on his forehead. He was breathtaking, absolutely breathtaking.

"It really is gorgeous." I speak, turning my head and gazing across the slight ripple that danced through the dark water of the river.

"Yeah, you are." Baekhyun walks up next to me, shoulder lightly brushing against mine as his freckled lip pulls up into a smirk. "The view isn't too bad either."

"Very smooth Byun Baekhyun, very smooth." I smile up at him, nudging my shoulder into his.

"This is our last mission, Chaeyeong." I gulp, the time was finally coming. What happens to us? Are we working towards something that's never going to be? "Once we take Dohwa done, we are all resigning from being special field agents. We're not leaving you and you're not leaving us, so get that sad look off your face. If you want to, we'd like you to still be in our lives, our somewhat normal lives. We need you if I'm being honest."

"They or you?" I joke back to ease some tension.

He smirked even wider as he replies. "Mainly me, but I suppose the guys also do as well."

"Then I would love to stay with you," I say back, pausing at the end of my sentence before continuing. "And the guys."

Our laughter died down and the atmosphere turned serious almost instantly. "Bambi, how did your father die?"

I knew this was coming, Dohwa said it out loud for everyone to hear. I was hoping that it was be forgotten about and I wouldn't have to talk about it ever again, but this was Baekhyun.

"So, you did hear that."

"I know you probably don't want to talk about it, but I need to know." We both turned to be facing one another, looking into each others eyes that spoke to each other more than our mouths did. "Please."

"When I was 11, my mum was working at the trauma unit and my dad was meant to be watching me." My eye immediately brimmed with tears, remembering everything from that night, how my body felt and the familiar ringing in my ears. "It was late at night, I heard him call Dohwa, who I called 'Uncle Dohwa' at the time. He called him and said it was an emergency, he asked him to watch me and that he'd be back around 6:00am.

My dad left before Dohwa could get there, he never showed up. I stayed up and waited, waited until one of my parents would get home. It was around three in the morning, and I heard a noise, not just any noise, crashing and banging and scuffling; my mum wasn't due home yet, so I knew it was her. No one was meant to be in the house, and I was all alone.

My father taught me how to hold and use a gun from a young age, just like how my mother taught me how to dress and treat basic wounds. He always told me if I was alone and felt in danger to grab his gun and protect myself."

Tears were sliding down my face, burning and salty as the sensation was felt and fell into my lips. Baekhyun immediately reached up with both hands, gently grabbing each side of my face, his thumbs catching and wiping away the tears that made themselves known. He was so close, his red liquorice scent waffling into my senses, calming my erratic heartbeat down, my hands found his waist.

"The metal was heavy and cold, so cold. I tiptoed down the stairs in the pitch black, and the noises were getting louder and more aggressive, someone was in the house, and I didn't know who. I was scared, completely terrified.

When I walked into the living room, all I saw was a tall silhouette, stumbling towards me, reaching for me. I closed my eyes and raised my arms, firing the gun once. I heard the bullet leave the chamber, heard it pierce into skin and rip through tendons and nerves.

"There was grunt and a loud thud, the moment I opened my eye and they adjusted to the dark, I finally saw what I had done. There was my father, laying in a pool of his own blood, and I caused it. I don't know when Dohwa arrived but after a few seconds of my crying and trying apply pressure to the wound, he grabbed me and pulled me away from the scene."

"Thank you for telling me, I know that was very hard and heartbreaking for you and I'm truly sorry for making you talk about it." He pulls me in for a tight hug, my arms wrap completely around his toned waist, he kisses the top of my head a few times before pulling away and grabbing a folder from the inside of his jumper pocket. "This is what I wanted to show you."

I take the folder in my hand, it was curved slightly from being rolled up in his pocket, I reconnected my eyes to his deep obsidian ones, before opening it up and reading over the content, I ask. "What is this?"

"Proof you didn't kill your father." 

Underwater || BBHTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon