111| Prom-ises, Prom-ises

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"I don't know...." Shawn said and began giggling. ".... play?"

"Shawn, we aren't doing anything until you can say the word sex without acting like a lunatic." Zoey said which caused him to giggle once more. "My point exactly."

Zoey sighed and stood up from the table where they were sitting at.

"Where are you going?" Shawn asked.

"To sit by myself because I'm apparently the only mature one in this relationship." Zoey said frustratingly.

Zoey found a table by the back, away from the dance floor and crowded seats, and pulled out a chair. She slumped as she sat, stewing in her thoughts. As much as she didn't want to admit it, she would've like her and Shawn to be together after prom.


It had been thirty minutes later and Zoey continued to sit at the back of the prom.

"May I have your attention, please?" Mr. Feeny called into the microphone. "It's time to announce your prom king and queen. Ladies and gentleman, I give you..." He opened the envelope and smiled.  "Shawn Hunter and Zoey Francis!"

Zoey let out a chuckle as her body got filled with excitement, the type you get on Christmas day when you're about to open a bunch of presents. A smile was slapped on her face from cheek to cheek.

Zoey walked over to the stage where she crowned as Prom Queen. A moment later, Shawn appeared on the stage, breathing heavily as the crown was placed onto of his head.

The couple walked off the stage and began to dance.

"Why were you out of breath when you came onto the stage?" Zoey wondered as their interlocked fingers.

"I may or may not have gotten us a hotel room." Shawn explained, placing his hands just above her waist.

Zoey narrowed her eyes. "What?"

"Zo, I want you to have the most memorable senior prom night ever." Shawn told her as he moved his arms, wrapping around her waist and pulled her closer to him. "And I realize how dumb I was acting whenever I heard the word sex."

Zoey couldn't suppress her smile as she rested her head against his chest. Shawn pressed a kiss on her head as they swayed together along with the music.

"Let's go." Zoey insisted.

Shawn looked at her in confusion as they separated. "Go where?"

"To the hotel room." Zoey announced with a smirk.

Shawn grabbed onto Zoey's hand and led her out of the dance area and towards the elevator and went up. They leaned against the wall as the elevator went up. It then dinged when it came to a stop. They walked out of the elevator and strolled towards the hotel room.

When Shawn got the door opened, he let Zoey walk in first. She gave him a smile before she entered the hotel room.

It was nice. There was a king-sized bed in the middle of the room, it looks very comfortable. The room also had a suite with an elegant baths, sturdy and rustic wooden furniture.

Shawn closed the door and stood beside his girlfriend. "You want to see something I've always wanted to do?"

"Yeah." Zoey replied. She let out a small yelp when Shawn threw her onto the bed. "So, what are you going to do?"

Shawn smiled and jumped down onto the bed beside her.

Zoey smiled softly as Shawn moved forwards, and in one swift moment, captured her lips with his. She hummed against him, her hand going to cup his cheek, her thumb rubbing over his high cheek bones.

Shawn's hand held her head closer to him, her scent invading his nostrils. He inhaled happily, her sweet perfume feeling like home to him.

A surge of confidence went through Zoey went as she pushed Shawn backwards gently so he was on his back. She straddled his hips, pulling away from his lips. He pouted, his eyebrows furrowing together as her hands traveled from his cheeks to his chest, ending at them of his tuxedo shirt.

Shawn felt the heat on his cheeks and neck as Zoey raised her eyebrows at him, silently asking for consent. He nodded and she took off his jacket and began to unbutton his shirt, Shawn sitting up slightly to help her.

Once his shirt came off, his lips were back on hers in a hurry, the cool air on his bare skin causing him to shiver.

Shawn's fingers moved behind her back. Zoey leaned into him, allowing him better access. She began to kiss down his jaw and then on his neck, causing Shawn to stifle a groan.

He found her zipper and began to slowly drag it down, his free hand trailing down her bare skin behind it. Zoey shivered under Shawn's touch, closing her eyes momentarily.

Zoey stood up, Shawn sitting up to watch as her dress fell off of her shoulders and pooled onto the ground around her feet. Shawn could feel himself becoming even more excited as he took in the sight in front of him.

Zoey was standing in just her underwear and bra, and she was smiling. Shawn knew her well enough to know that she was nervous, and he saw how she was pinching her fingers subtly, something she did when she was trying to control her anxiety.

Shawn stood up off of the bed to stand beside her, tucking her dark hair behind her ears. He licked his lips.

"We don't have to if you're too nervous." Shawn reminded her softly. "I would totally understand."

Zoey wrapped her arms around his neck so they were resting on his shoulders. She stepped out of her dress, pressing her body against his.

Shawn had never been so aware that his girlfriend didn't have a small chest until now, when it was pressed up against him and only covered by black lace. He groaned softly, his hands going from her shoulders to her hips where he held her tightly.

"I wanna do this." Zoey whispered.

Zoey pushed Shawn backwards gently and he landed on the bed. Immediately she was on top of him once again and they were kissing.


Shawn and Zoey laid beside each other, breathing heavily.

Zoey has her left arm draped across Shawn's stomach while his arm was wrapped around her waist, pulling her into his side.

Their bare bodies laid together and their legs were tangled in each other. Zoey grinned, resting her head against Shawn's chest and began tracing patterns on his stomach.

The blankets were drawn upwards over Shawn's waist, to the point where his abdomen was shown in the open, while the blanket creamed around Zoey's skin, tucking itself in the right places, for it covered her top and waist, yet it flowered out at her legs, exposing the skin.

"That was...." Zoey trailed off.

"Amazing." Shawn finished for her.

"I can believe we've been together for almost 4 years and we haven't done it." Zoey said with a smile.

Shawn chuckled. "Tell me about it. You were amazing."

"So were you." Zoey said, kissing his chest. "I love you so much."

"I love you too." Shawn responded, leaning down and pressed a gentle kiss on her lips, cupping her face.

PUBLISHED: October 26, 2018
WORDS: 1831

It's My Life • Shawn HunterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz