109| Starry Night

Start from the beginning

Topanga gave her a teasing smirk. Zoey nodded and walked over to more of the art. She didn't really mind really, and enjoyed the peace and quiet of looking at the art.

As Zoey stood in front of Almond Blossoms, she lingered there longer than the other paintings. It truly was a masterpiece.

It had been hours. As closing time for the museum drew near, Zoey found her best friend standing in front of Starry Night with Ricky. With a sly smile, she crept over to the statue in the corner of the room to peer out from behind it through one of the two holes, eavesdropping.

"So, dinner?" Ricky wondered. "We can keep talking about Starry Night or the real stars if you want."

"Ricky, look, I've had a really great time talking to you. I can't believe we talked all day, but I don't know, my heads in a funny place right now." Topanga explained.

"Topanga, do you plan on eating dinner tomorrow night?" He asked.

"Yes." She replied.

"So do I. So how's this? Tomorrow night at eight o'clock, we'll meet at Thibault de Chattelu's." He offered.

"The little French café?" She wondered.

"Yeah." He answered. "Now here's the thing. We're going to be sitting at the same table and I'm going to be sitting across from you. Now, if you want it to be a date, you look up from your dinner. If you don't want it to be a date, don't look up. But if you do look up, I'll be looking back at you."

When Ricky said his goodbye to Topanga and walked to the exit, Zoey glanced up at the ceiling and attempted to whistle to imitate nonchalance.

Topanga looked over at her and chuckled. "Alright, come out."

"You know, I couldn't help overhearing..." Zoey trailed off casually.

"Should I go out with him or not?" Topanga wondered.

"Well, he's pretty cute, cultured, sensitive artist type, want to take you to a romantic French restaurant." Zoey listed with pursed lips. "Should you go out with him? Hmm..." She then pretended to consider it. "Yes!"

"I don't know." Topanga said.

"You don't know what?' Zoey asked.

"He's not Cory." Topanga pointed out.

"He's pretty good looking." Zoey responded, placing a comforting hand on Topanga's shoulder.

"So if I go out with him, then Cory and I are really finished, aren't we?" Topanga questioned sadly.

"I don't see where it would help the relationship. No." Zoey answered.

"I don't know what to do." Topanga admitted. "I mean, Ricky and I talked all day. He knew so much about paintings. That's what makes me want to get to know him better. He's so complex and interesting."

Zoey pursed her lips. "Well, do you think Cory is complex and interesting?"

"Yeah, but it's different. Even though I've known Cory all my life, how can I go out with another guy until I know what Cory feels about this painting?" Topanga wondered.

"Topanga, this guy swept you off your feet." Zoey pointed out simply. "You gotta give him a chance. Maybe one day you won't be telling people that you met the guy you love on the monkey bars, but you met him in front of a masterpiece, and he told you how he felt about it, and he swept you off your feet."

"I'm not leaving my feet for anybody until I give Cory a chance." Topanga declared.

Zoey smiled. "Okay."

It's My Life • Shawn HunterWhere stories live. Discover now