Hellish Party

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"Sorry but you're going nowhere if I can help it" came his voice, Freed seeing how outnumbered he was figured it best the fall back.

"Freed we should probably go to phase 2, it seems we've achieved what we came here to do" came Valper's voice.

With a nod and a cut to saji's line with his Excalibur Freed threw down a smoke bomb to retreat laughing all the while, as he did so Irina and Xenovia gave chase.

As it would Seem Valper as well made his way out in all the chaos, not before taking someone with him....

Back to the battle in the skies

As the fight dragged on there was a clash where the two of you were blown back from each other.

Both breathing heavily, a smirk on his face, and feral wrath on your own. It would be cut short by your opponent seemingly hearing something by way of earpiece.

"Phase 2 already? I barely got to have any fun here Valper...I...Fine I understand I'll meet all of you there." He seemed annoyed but complied with his orders.

"Whats wrong, daddy Kokabiel calling you in for supper already bitch boy." You voice was distorted. Showing signs of losing one's self. Your words irked him but he was going to follow the plan.

"Sorry but I have more important matters to attend to than you child. If I were I'd regain your focus cause currently we hold the chips." Before you could send another strike he was gone by way of magic circle. Letting out a yell of frustration you folded in your wings to land.

Within seconds you had landed taking a breath in trying to calm yourself. Not reverting to your base state. Looking around you walked to the remains of the group.

"What'd I miss down here?" You asked looking and noticing the lesser numbers.

"Well Freed ran away and Xenovia and Irina have chase into the woods towards the school. That old dude got away too" Issei said catching his breath a bit. It would seem Freed musta really improved since last you saw him.

While looking around a bit more you asked "where is Asia hiding we'd better regroup and get on the way to intercept them."

Realizing no one knew Koneko spoke up "as much as I hate to say it (Y/N) I think they took her."

Your worst fear came true.

"Come again... there were multiple of you down here and she was..." Your anger boiling over now shaking it off before taking off in the direction Issei told you before anyone else could put in another word.

Soon after without any choice everyone gave chase. Following the sounds of your heavy wing beats and that of combat nearby.

Arriving to the scene sadly too late, landing you saw Irina beaten and bloodied on the ground. Groaning angrily since she was somewhat nice. 

"Irina damn it please tell me you ain't dead." Slowly you ripped at what was left of your shirt to make some bandages, Xenovia soon coming out seeing you trying to help Irina she was afraid for her friend but knew what her defeat meant. Freed now had another excalibur, he had three already, with hers that would be four. He was only two away from Excalibur. One of which Xenovia carried.

"What happened?" She asked you trying her best to help.

"Not sure just got here myself, they took Asia, now they've beaten her.. I'm gonna kill those assholes!" A righteous dirty bubbling within at this moment Xenovia saw who you truly were abs wished to apologize for her behavior, even while losing yourself in wrathyou were attempting to help Irina while also having your sole concern be saving Asia. For a devil to her you seemed pure, kind hearted.

Twilight Wings (Asia x Male Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora