Chapter 301. Shift in the World's fate. Leaving in search of the Fox!

Start from the beginning

"Fufu~, hearing screams of despair as their life leaves their bodies never gets boring. Jing Yue, finish them; we've already conquered the North with this city, and they have no more utility."

"But Empress, weren't we going to spare the lives of the royal family?"

"Yeah, but I changed my mind. We will leave an Undead as the head of the city. We shall conquer the West next!"

"As fast and ruthless as always, Empress, one month and we've already conquered a quarter of the Sky Continent."

"What conquer? I'm reclaiming what was originally mine. I've let them dance enough. Now it is time to get back what was mine all along... Hmm? Ugh, those pest Long and Tang are courting death again. How many times did I already save them during this month? Little Treasure, come back fast, or your opponents will die by themselves!"

A man wearing regal clothes and with ghostly green eyes and white hair appeared beside them. "Empress, the Star Empire is besieging the Glassheart family, I've controlled the situation, but I want to know what to do next."

The red woman's eyes opened, and then her aura burst outward, warping the space around her. "How dare they attack my dear daughter's in-laws! What if they get a bad impression of her because of that!? Destroy! Destroy the Star Empire!"

The man coughed and said, "Empress, isn't that rash...?"

"What rash!? Send Tian Long! Raze that place to the ground!"

Anyway, leaving aside the reckless Death Empress massacring millions daily for her conquest-

"What reckless!? I may be crazy, but I'm not reckless! I know very well what I'm doing!"

I was about to refocus on Yasenia. Could you let me talk?

"Oh. Sure, go ahead."


ANYWAY, unaware that she had caused such a big commotion in the World, Yasenia sighed in relief after Fu Jing Jing disappeared. 'Finally, everything came to a conclusion.'

Yasenia turned toward the red-haired mature, tall Angel and said, "Mirror, I hope you are happy with this outcome. Will you can help Angel seriously or not?"

The Mirror looked at her sideways and then disappeared inside Angel. Yasenia frowned but suddenly heard. "I wanted to do that since the beginning, stupid lizard."

Yasenia's eyebrow twitched in annoyance. 'Stupid lizard? Heh, you did this to yourself, so don't blame me.'

"Angel dear, how about you give a name to the Mirror? Calling it mirror this Mirror that can be bothersome, right?"

Angel nodded and said, "What about Mirry? Like little Mirror."

The red-haired Mirror appeared outside and said with a horrified face, "Absolutely not! Mirry!? I'm not a pet or animal!"

An evil smile appeared on Yasenia's face as she said, "Oh~, don't overreact. It is not bad at all!"

The Mirror looked at Yasenia's smile, and something clicked in her mind. However, it was too late to stop the next sentence." I think that it is a wonderful name~. I like it a lot."

Angel smiled and said, "Good! Then I will call her Mirry from now on."

The Mirror, or now Mirry, looked at Yasenia angrily and shouted, "Stupid lizard, I'm going to remember this!"

Then, it disappeared inside Angel again.

Yasenia internally snickered, 'That's what you get~.'

After resolving everything related to Angel, Yasenia felt her chest somewhat lighten. The weight of something happening while she was away was beginning to press on her, but now her little girl was beside her, safe and sound and stronger than ever.

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