"Look at you. Do you even fucking care? You act like nothing matters, and maybe that's right. Bet all those tears didn't mean a thing, did they?"

And there it went. Jungkook swung, nailing Taehyung in the jaw, and Tae knew damn well he deserved it.

But that was what they were for, he guessed. Who better to take out some aggression on?

Taehyung tackled Jungkook, and they knocked into the small table beside the wall. A roll and down went the bar stools, too. They traded blows after blows, pulling them enough to not break bones, but they'd walk away bloodied and bruised.

Both of them are fighting like animals and the other one's watching them like statues. no one's dared to stop them.

"We all fucked this up," Jungkook said, catching Taehyung in the ribs.

I can't lose him!" Yoongi piped in

They all stilled with Jungkook pinning down Taehyung.

Yoongi continued. "I lost one mate. I can't lose another. Please."

"She's safe. You aren't losing him." Jungkook barked.

"I am. I saw it in his eyes. He might still be breathing but that doesn't mean we aren't losing him."

Jungkook sighed and hefted himself up, then offered a hand to Taehyung. "we've been through worse than this. We'll figure this out, too."

Taehyung took the offered hand and let him pull him up, wincing at the soreness that the muscle bunny caused him. "I love him, you know? I didn't expect that, didn't think I'd ever find my forever. But here I am."

"I know. I'll make this right somehow, I'll make Jimin forgive me, forgive all of us. Doesn't matter what it takes. Hell, I'll take all the blame if that's what I need to do. I'll step back."

Jin was wiping the blood from the corner of Taehyung's mouth and Namjoon was helping Yoongi to clean up the crime scene. All of their heads jerked at their maknae's direction. "We all know that isn't happening, you brat. We want to think we can fix this with Jimin, but us? We're family. No matter what else happens, we're family, and we won't spilt up. Whether we get Jimin or not," Jin admonished the young alpha for his incredulous thought.

Taehyung put his hand out and Jungkook instantly grasping his hand and pulled him in for a quick hug before breaking apart. "you know, you fucking hit like a hammer. You're all charm until you throw a punch."

"You riled me up first. You aren't getting an apology."

"Oh, like you weren't eager to throw some punch. You like getting riled up."

Jungkook rolled his eyes and said, "And YOU, getting hot and bothered."

Taehyung laughed, groaning at the way it pulled what had to be a split on his lip. "You're such an asshole."

"Really?" Hoseok's voice had them all turning. "I leave you guys alone just for two minutes and you destroy the house?"

The laughter died down as soon as Jimin walked around Hoseok, hair tied into a bun, gaze down. He looked at the overturned tables, at the blood on the floor and disheveled state of the men.

They all expected censure. If this had happened a day before, he'd have given them a piece of his mind about the behavior. He might have had a spark of fear, facing against that sort of alpha aggression, but they'd reassured him, a few gentle words, and he'd scold them before making them clean up.

Instead, Jimin took in the scene and turned away as if it didn't matter. He passed them and went to the kitchen, pouring coffee.

"You can't drink coffee." Jungkook said and the omega gave a look to the said alpha before proceeding what he was doing.

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