96| I Love You, Donna Karan: Part 1

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"There's got to be something in here that lets us know who she is, right?" Blake asked as he sat down on the couch. "I'm going in. Okay. No wallet. No ID." He then pulled out a container. "Lip gloss. She cares about her lips."

Shawn took the lip gloss from him and unscrewed the cap, sniffing it. "Kiwi-mango."

"No way!" Blake exclaimed in shock. "Kiwi man- that is so sexy! Did you know that Ted Koppel show called that 'the lip gloss of forbidden love'?"

"I actually did know that." Shawn responded. "And look at this, a book of sonnets."

"Shakespeare, I hear he's good." Blake joked as he opened the book. "Notice the bookmark, a ticket stub to a Van Damme movie, only the greatest actor ever."

Shawn nodded slowly. "Okay, so what we got here is a purse-losing, lips-protecting, poetry-reading, Van Damme-loving gal."

"Wow..." Blake trailed off, smirking. "I'd give her two weeks."


Blake continued to look through the bag in the hopes of finding the owner's identity but as he did so, he found the girl to be more and more interesting. This resulted in his mind before occupied by more than one girl.

He sat in one of the booths in Chubbies, reading sonnets.

"Hey, anyone call about the purse yet?" Shawn asked, his voice drawing Blake out of his thoughts and he looked up from the book of sonnets.

"'Love is not love which alters when it alterations finds, or bends with the remover to remove'." Blake read out.

"No one called, huh?" Shawn asked, sitting across from him. "Bummer. Anyway, listen. Zoey and I were talking about your problem-"

"I don't have a problem." Blake quickly interrupted.

Shawn sighed. "We feel that if you met the right girl-"

"Wait, wait, wait." Blake said, cutting the boy off. "Is this you or Zoey talking?"

"She decided we're one person." Shawn replied. "Anyway, Zoey's got this friend, Debra."

"No. No, no, no." Blake interjected immediately. "I don't want to be fixed up. Hey, you know what else I found in this purse? A guitar pick, a Greenpeace sticker and a box of Sno-Caps, only the greatest movie snack ever made."

"Wait a minute, Blake. Listen. Don't you want that feeling?" Shawn asked.

"What feeling?" Blake wondered.

"You know, that feeling you get when you meet someone special. It's the feeling I get everyday when I'm with your sister. You know, it's- it's warm and happy and fuzzy... I-I can't describe it, but there are bunnies... You know, we-we just want you to have that feeling. Okay? So meet Debbie." Shawn explained.

Blake sighed. "Fine, I'll meet Debbie."


At the apartment, Shawn walked into the living room to join Blake as they waited for their date, Zoey had to pick up Debbie and made sure she went to the right apartment, only for him to see the other boy dancing to the music playing from the stereo.

"I wonder if Debbie's anything like this girl." Blake stated.

"What girl?" Shawn asked.

"The purse girl." Blake answered. "Did you know that she likes classical music?"

"Blake, ever since I've met you, you hate classical music." Shawn pointed out.

"I just never gave it a chance." Blake explained. "This is the part where the violin rocks."

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