95| No Guts, No Cory

Start from the beginning

Cory marched down the stairs and joined them in the hall with a determined look.

"Shawnie, I'm going down to enlist. Uncle Sam wants us. I wasn't going to go, but he was pointing right at me." He said as that very poster of Uncle Sam pointing was right behind him. "I'm going to defend our country, Shawn. Are you coming with me?"


The Hunter men were over at the Matthews' house discussing details of their impending departure into World War II. Alan Matthews and Chet Hunter were the squadron's sergeants and their sons were part of that squadron. Well, except for Eric.

Zoey strolled in through the backdoor

"Hi, everyone." Zoey greeted with a big smile. "Shawn, did you hear the news? Glenn Miller and his bag band orchestra are coming to town. What do you say we go?" She then paused, her smile faltering when she noticed everyone staring at her sadly. "Jeepers, why you guys looking at me all funny?"

"Shawn, you didn't tell her?" Cory asked quietly in shock.

Zoey's eyebrows furrowed. "Tell me what?"

Shawn sighed and gulped dryly before he cupped her cheeks fondly, his eyes never leaving hers. "Zo.... I enlisted. I'm going to war."

Zoey was white as chalk. Her eyes and mouth were froze widen open in an expression of stunned surprise. She couldn't believe that he would do something like this.

"But you said you couldn't be without me. We were going to be together forever." Zoey said, her voice breaking slightly.

"Zo, there's some things you just gotta do." Shawn told her immediately.

(December 7, 1941)

Everyone was down at Chubbies to say goodbye to their future soldiers before they were shipped out. Meanwhile, instead of joining in on his last bit of freedom before he went to war, Shawn was trying to call Zoey. She wasn't picking up but he just kept calling.

"Operator? Yes. Connect me to Miss Zoey Francis at Zenith 6-5000. No answer again, huh?" Shawn sighed sadly and ended the call. "Golly. You can drive from Philly to Cleveland in a week, but they don't have a machine that can take a message."

"Oh, Don't worry, Shawn. That dame loves you to the sky and back. She wouldn't let you ship out without saying goodbye." Cory reassured him.

"Yeah. Well, I ain't just saying goodbye." Shawn reminded his best friend.

"Don't say ain't." Mr. Feeny scolded him as he passed. "Your mother will faint. Just because you're in the Army doesn't mean you have to talk like a sailor."

Every time Shawn heard footsteps echo from the staircase, he looked up hopefully only to be disappointment when it turned out not to be Zoey.

"Where is she?" He mumbled under his breath.

"Before you ship out, I want to wish our boys courage, perseverance and a safe trip home." Mr. Feeny said into the microphone as it came time for them to leave. "And during the lull in the fighting, I'd like a thousand-word essay on 'what I did during my summer in Europe'."

"And, boys, remember, 'please' and 'thank you'." Mrs. Matthews added quickly, standing in the middle of Chubbies. "Just because you're at war doesn't mean you can't be polite."

"I give the orders now, Amy." Mr. Matthews said as he put on his hat. "All right, everybody! Let's load the buses and head to Europe!" No one moved. "Please!" Everyone finally started moving towards the stairs. "Thank you!"

It's My Life • Shawn HunterWhere stories live. Discover now