Chapter Three, Part One - If Looks Could Kill

Start from the beginning

I tried to squint through the patchwork of gray skies, failing to spot the sun. "As cliché as this sounds, I just feel it would be more practical if Supernaturals peacefully coexisted. After all, we get along with the Humans, right?"

"Only because the majority of Humans don't know we exist. If they did, they'd just go psycho and slaughter all of us – they do it to each other all the time. Hello – the Holocaust, Pearl Harbor, hockey games? Humans are stupid, Naomi, but they still outnumber us."

I reflected on Adelle's severe outlook on Humans. Yes, it was true that I'd come across many who'd been unnecessarily cruel and selfish. Then again, I had also met others who were astonishingly virtuous. And they were the ones whose faces I'd chosen to remember. Besides my father, Humans had been the only ones I'd ever considered family.

"Think what you want of the Humans, but you definitely can't trust other Supernaturals," warned Adelle. "We all get along for, now, but a lot of us think we're just teetering on the brink of some epic war that could destroy us – even the Humans. That's not something you should ignore."

"Look, I get what you're saying – I just don't like being forced to take sides." I cast Adelle a sideways look. "I don't see the point in claiming the Pack just to denounce everyone else. How is that right?"

"It's not about what's right. That's just the way it is – and has been – for a really long time. Look, babe, the Garou already have to share Harbor with a Vampire clan and a Witch coven. You add Charles to that list, mix em' all together, and you've got yourself a pretty nice shit storm. So my suggestion is to focus on the Elder for now and don't go digging in other sandboxes until we figure him out first."

From the frustrated, defensive look on Adelle's face I could tell I was striking a nerve with my unwillingness to conform. After all, I was the spoon in the bowl, stirring things up, and I was sorry for that. However I couldn't lie and say that I wouldn't continue to do it. But I could at least be a friend and offer her consolation in the meantime.

"Hey, you're right, this is a serious situation, and I shouldn't take it lightly." I gave Adelle a reassuring smile. "You're under a lot of pressure to show Charles I'm not a threat, and I need to help with that. So, what if I go visit Charles and Diane? I can make an appearance and pretend to wave the white flag."

"Thank you. But can we have lunch now? Anxiety makes me hungry. My therapist says that's normal."

We hailed a taxi to the Maison, where I recognized the same server who weeks earlier had accepted my reservation with coldness and distaste. This time she greeted my arrival with a benign smile and respectful deportment. She led us to a small, discreet table, where champagne was immediately poured and our orders taken. Not long after we'd been seated did we spot a familiar face.

"And in comes the couple of the year," Adelle murmured from behind her wineglass.

I turned in my seat to observe Ethan walking through the golden doors of the restaurant. On his arm was a tall, beautiful blonde, with blue eyes and a chilly demeanor. The girl surveyed the posh surroundings of the restaurant with a look of bored familiarity.

"Eve Arling and Ethan Knight – high school sweethearts and the Prom King and Queen of Harbor Village High," said Adelle, in a significantly lower voice. "To outsiders there's, like, this big bubble of perfection that surrounds them. But anyone who's seen the real them knows that Ethan is just a womanizing pig and Eve's got the personality of an aging cheerleader that's constantly on the rag – times two. If you ask me, they're meant for each other."

I faced front again. "I've met Ethan. He's... interesting. Funny he never mentioned anything about having a girlfriend."

Adelle observed me with knowing eyes. "Of course he didn't, he was probably hitting on you." She grinned. "They graduated, like, six years ago, and they're still considered legends at HVH. Back in the day, either you wanted to be them or you wanted to screw them – in many cases, both. But unfortunately for Eve, Ethan never outgrew the old high school days. He's still got a thing for fresh meat. And apparently, he likes it dark..."

I coughed on my wine, just as the waiters appeared with our food. "Thanks." Nodding pleasantly, they retreated and left me to my soup. "Adelle, tell me you're not still looking at them?"

"Ha! They've just noticed us." She ducked her head and took a large bite of her chicken. "Eve looks pissed."

Once again I failed to resist the urge to turn and look at the same time that Adelle decided to coyly wave hello. Ethan, sitting at a table several rows behind us, fixed his gaze squarely on my own. He passed me a guilty smile, but looked away when Eve set her menu on the table. Her expression soured as she looked at me, but I was un-phased. With a smirk at Ethan, I resumed my original position, taking a serene bite of food.

"I don't think Eve likes me."

"Nope." Adelle glanced swiftly at the space above my shoulder. "But don't let it bother you – Eve only sees other girls as competition. So trust me, if you start hanging around Ethan you'll wanna keep an eye on crazy."

I raised an eyebrow, silently asking for clarification.

"A few years ago, back when we were all seniors, there was this stupid rumor going around that Ethan and I slept together under the bleachers in the gym. And, since I didn't exactly deny it... she put itching powder in my gym shorts. We've hated each other ever since."

"Well did you?" I asked.

"What, sleep with Ethan? No." Adelle sighed with regret. "But I wish I had. I've heard he's a really good screw..."

I grinned. "High school can be so vicious. Did you ever find out who started the rumor?"

"Of course I knew who did it. It was me."

We burst into snorts of laughter that were poorly hushed. Around us other lunch-goers cleared their throats in irritation, but neither of us cared. The laugh was worth the disapproval that came with it.

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