Project Alpha: The Failed Experiment

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Valeris sat at his desk going over report after report of pro Silver Hand insurgent operations across all four kingdoms. To the Silver Hand, this was just as vital to the war effort as their own personal operations were. As he looked over these reports, he was interrupted by a messenger.

Messenger: Lord Valeris, if I may.

Valeris: You may.

Messenger: We have reports of Project Alpha's success in Mantle. The Atlesian Military is being pushed back.

Valeris: How many times must I tell you to forget about Project Alpha? He was too impulsive and reckless to serve the purpose we intended for him. Our efforts in Project Beta are evidence enough of how obsolete he is. Though Project Beta may be more expensive on account of the life support, they show much greater potential in both mentality and physical capabilities... although, hearing of successes on the Northern Front are a good thing to hear.

Valeris then looked up at the messenger after having previously not taken his eyes off the papers.

Valeris: Although judging on your expression, I am guessing you have bad news as well.

The messenger cleared his throat.

Messenger: It appears that a group of Jedi have been sent to aid the Atlesian Military.

Valeris stopped to think.

Valeris in head: They actually sent someone over there? I did not expect them to be so bold. The only one who would be so bold to send a High Council member would be Captain Lyu'lar of the Intelligence Department. Is he finally making his move after Shade?

Valeris: This won't be an issue. If anything, it will give Project Alpha a proper fight.

Meanwhile in Mantle

The stronghold and the surrounding street was littered with corpses. An army of insurgents were either killed or forced to retreat by a single warrior. The hooded figure stood in the center of it all, unmoving. The figure eventually deignited their lightsaber and removed their hood. The face underneath was that of Jedi Master Lie Ren, the Ghost of Mistral. Behind him, two figures dropped down from a nearby roof, revealing themselves as Weiss and Cyrus.

Weiss: I have to say, I'm impressed. I think you may have just beaten your record.

Cyrus: He just beat an entire army by himself and that's your response!

Weiss: What? I said it was impressive.

Cyrus: Impressive is the understatement of the century, master!

Ren: We should get moving.

Weiss: Where should we go?

Ren turned his head to the side.

Ren: Follow the gunfire.

Ren then Force Leaped onto a nearby rooftop. Weiss and Cyrus followed suit. The three Jedi jumped from rooftop to rooftop in the direction of the sounds of battle. After the fifth rooftop, Ren was struck out of the air by another figure, landing hard on the roof.

Weiss: REN!

Cyrus: What the hell?

Ren staggered to his feet and saw the person that attacked him. It was the mechanically augmented figure from the video.

Cyrus: That's him... their cyborg...

Figure: Well look what we have here? Two Jedi Masters? Count me as lucky!

Ren: I wouldn't call you lucky.

Figure: Oh, but that's where you're wrong. You see, I've been training hard since last time... and we are long overdue for a rematch, Jedi!

Ren: Rematch?

Figure: You mean you don't remember me? How sad... and I was preparing so hard for our reunion this whole time!

Ren inched his hand slowly toward his lightsaber.

Figure: Well, here. Maybe this will jog your memory.

The figure then took off his metallic mask, revealing the face underneath. This face was one that Weiss and Ren recognized immediately.

Weiss: Mercury Black!

Mercury: That's right, Schnee! Now, ever since you slaughtered Cinder and then Salem, I was shit out of luck. I'm sure you know how that feels, eh Ren? The feeling of being hopeless? Ring any bells in that old mind of yours?

Ren scowled at Mercury.

Weiss: So what is a scumbag like you doing with Valeris?

Mercury: So that's the million dollar question? You want to know why I fight for someone like Valeris in the first place? The answer is simple: Fuck You!

Ren: You sided with our enemy because you hate us?

Mercury: Yeah that's kind of how alliances work, dipshit!

Ren: Fine then. If you want to be our enemy, I'll start treating you like one.

Ren ignited his lightsaber, immediately splitting it into its Jar-Kai form.

Mercury: Right to the point, Ren. I respect that.

Weiss ignited her lightsaber as well.

Ren: Weiss, stop!

Weiss: What? Why?

Ren: I can take him. This should only be a minute.

Weiss was hesitant, but she did deignite her lightsaber and stand back. Mercury saw this action and began to laugh.

Mercury: You are a riot, Ren! You know what, I like you, so I'll cut you this deal. When I kill you, I'll make sure you suffer the least!

Ren didn't respond, instead he stared daggers at Mercury, who simply gave him a cocky smirk.

Mercury: May the best fighter win. 

Meanwhile elsewhere in Mantle

Crishius scanned the streets from a rooftop. She had just arrived in Mantle and was searching for Valerin activity amongst the insurgents. Her plan required more information on their tactics and plans before she could execute it. Despite her focus being on observations, she could easily sense the presence behind her approaching at inhuman speeds. She ducked down just in time to avoid the large blade swinging at her. She spun around and ignited her lightsaber to block the second swing. Attacking her was none other than Jaune Arc, The Jedi Hunter. After a moment of attacking and blocking, Crishius jumped back to a safe distance.

Jaune: Darth Crishius. Did you miss me?

Crishius: Hardly.

Jaune: Well, you're no Cyrus, but at least I'll have some form of entertainment.

Crishius: What do you plan to do with Cyrus?

Jaune: Not kill him if that's what you're wondering. I'm sure you'll have plenty of time with him after we're all done here.

Crishius: What are you insinuating, Demon Mage?

Jaune: Don't play dumb with me Sith. I know you take some form of vested interest in Cyrus' wellbeing. You mean to tell me that it's a coincidence that in both his fight with me and Aika that you just so happened to be there?

Crishius: The only vested interest I have is killing you where you stand.

Jaune: Now you're speaking my language.

With that, both of them prepared their combat stances.

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