"Tasha?" There it is. "Hey," a soft voice speaks, coming up behind me and placing two comforting hands on each of my shoulders. "I knew it was only a matter of time before you broke. What's going on, honey?" she asks, helping me up and walking me over to the small couch in the room so we're sitting beside each other with my head on her shoulder.

"You know how it's been lately," I cry, "It's just all too much, Wands. I... I can't believe I'm saying this but I don't wanna do it anymore. I'm tired all the time and I can't."


"Promise me that if I do something, you'll look after Y/N? Make sure she has a good life?" I plead my best friend, gripping onto her even tighter.

"You can do that yourself because you, my dear, are not going anywhere. You're staying right here, you're not leaving Y/N and I. Natasha, I'm getting worried about you. Will you let me take you to get checked out? You're not mentally sound, lovey."

As much as I want to believe her, it's too difficult. But I do know that I can't just leave my daughter so abruptly. She needs me to help navigate her through life.

"Okay," I shakily agree, leaning over so my elbows are propped up on my knees and my face is in my hands as Wanda brings her hand up to rub my back. "I need help, Wands," I admit, not wanting to face this at all.

"Yeah, honey. I'm gonna get you that help. Go home for now, make sure you keep Y/N with you at all times so having her there stops you from doing anything stupid. Remember, you can't do anything like that near her. Keep that as your reason not to. By tomorrow, I will have found you a therapist. Trust in me."


I took Wanda's advice and left immediately after that. She had a word with Nick and he was totally understanding, he's noticed my lack of focus and drop in mood as well, everyone has.

Anyhoo, I've just opened the door to the apartment and let myself in. I was expecting to see Y/N standing here since whenever she gets the notification that I'm on my way home, she waits for me in the hallway.

"Baby?" I call groggily, my voice hoarse from all the crying.

"Hey, mama, how was- oh, mom... have you been crying?" she asks upon seeing my tear-stained face. I don't even have the chance to answer before she's wrapping her arms around me. Once again, I burst into a series of broken sobs, falling to the floor while my daughter holds me and lets me cry into her. She without a doubt has also noticed how dark it's gotten for me.

When I've finally calmed down after a few minutes, Y/N helps me up and pours me a glass of water which I gratefully accept.

"Thanks, sweetheart," I rasp, taking another sip because of how dry my throat is.

"Come on, I think you're gonna like what I've done with your room," she tells me with a smile on her face, grasping my hand and pulling me into my bedroom, only to be met with the most incredible sight.

My bed is made, which I forgot to do this morning, but there's a lot of additional pillows and blankets - most of which are Y/N's since she owns a lot big fluffy blankets that I steal from time to time. But that's not all there is. My favorite movie is all ready to play on the TV, there's two takeaway bags from the place I always go if I don't want to cook, plus a shit ton of junk food and drinks scattered across the room. It's just what I need after the day I've had.

"You bought fairy lights, too?" I question after noticing the additional ornament in my room.

"Yeah. It's okay if you don't like them, I just got them at-"

"Y/N, shut up. I love it. All of it. This is... I love you so much, sweetheart. Thank you." My eyes start watering again. Except this time, it's out of pure love for my daughter. She's the sweetest and most thoughtful girl ever.

"I love you too, mama. Now please tell me you are taking a break off work? You're going to work yourself into the ground and I really don't want to see you get any worse. You look exhausted all the time," she tells me, sheer concern over her face. This is the reason I'm still here today.

"I'm taking a break, baby," I reassure her. "Please don't worry anymore. I'm your mama, I'm supposed to be the one worrying about you!"

"Mom... don't joke. I had a full-blown panic attack earlier because of how scared I was for you." That's one way to absolutely shatter my heart.

I sigh heavily, feeling so extremely guilty for causing this fear for her.

"Come here," I say, lifting her up and placing her onto my hip like when she was little. "I'm right here. Mama's gonna be okay," I tell her seriously, placing our foreheads together. "I'll get better, Y/N Romanoff. I promise you."

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