91| Boy Meets Real World

Start from the beginning

Zoey let out a yelp when she face-to-face with Cory, raising the camera and focused it on her. He wore a yellow raincoat and hat.

The doorbell went off in the apartment. Zoey raced to the door, holding tight to the towel around her body as Cory followed her with the camera.

"You got too far." Zoey told Cory, frustratedly.

"I've got a film to make, Zo. Now, you agreed to do this." Cory responded.

Zoey turned to face him angrily. "Cory, you were waiting outside the curtain while I was taking a shower! You can't use that."

"Well, it's for the European version." Cory simply explained. "Okay, if I don't get into NYU, my next choice is Sweden YU."

The doorbell buzzed once more. Zoey turned around to face the door and opened it reveal a curly-haired girl on the other side.

The curly-haired girl smiled. "Hi, I'm Wendy from 3-B. I stopped by to say hi to Blake."

"Oh, he... He's not here." Zoey informed her.

"Why is a strange boy with a camera dressed like Paddington Bear?" Wendy wondered, gesturing towards Cory.

Zoey chuckled hesitantly. "He's doing a student film. If it embarrasses you, you can just tell him to stop."

"No, no, I'm an acting major." Wendy said, walking into the apartment. She stood in front of Cory, facing the camera. "I have two monologues: Nora from A Doll's House and one that I wrote called, I'm a Little Unicorn. I'm also very good at improv."

"She's good at improv." Cory commented.

Zoey rolled her eyes and cleared her throat. "So, Wendy... would you like to hang out sometimes? I like making new friends."

Wendy smiled. "Sure. Tonight?"

"Sounds good." Zoey replied. When Wendy walked out of the apartment, Zoey slammed the door shut and turned to face Cory in anger. "I'm going to kill you!"

Cory shook her head. "No, you won't. You're not that type of person."

"You're right." Zoey agreed, pursing her lips. "But Blake and Shawn are."


Later that night, Shawn, Cory, Topanga and Zoey sat in their usual booth at Chubbie's eating dinner together. Zoey waited patiently for Wendy, extremely excited to have a new friend join them.

"So, Shawn, Zoey, how are things working out with your brothers?" Topanga asked.

"Oh, don't tell her. Let her see it on film." Cory insisted as he took a sip from his drink.

Topanga narrowed her eyes. "Are you sure you're okay with this? It sounds kind of personal."

"It is." Shawn agreed. "But you know, Cory's our best friend, and we trust that he's not going to make us look bad."

"My vision is to show people a side of Shawn Hunter and Zoey Franics that they have never seen before." Cory explained.

"What side is that?" Zoey wondered.

"Well, the side that shows you two overcoming all the odds. You know, Shawn moving out of the trailer park, getting to know your newfound brother from a different social class who desperately wants to bond with you... and Zoey, leaving Philadelphia, running away to come back to Shawn, living with your aunt and getting to know your brother you didn't know you had."

Before Zoey could respond, she caught sight of Blake and Wendy walking down the stairs. Shocked, Zoey stood up from the booth and made her way to the other table.

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