Chapter 24: Belonged, the hat and a history

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24 July 1992

Harrison didn't really know what was happening, all he knew was that none of the adults were happy. Harrison himself was nervous, extremely nervous. Would the hat still think he belonged in Slytherin? Or would Dumbledore force him to stay in Gryffindor? There were a lot of things to worry about, and even though Evelyn, Sirius and Remus had all assured him that he would get a resort no matter what Dumbledore said, Harrison was still nervous and even a little scared.

What would it even mean if he actually got into Slytherin? Sure, Draco supported him in the matter, and he had a lot of power over the younger years in Slytherin... but what if the rest hated him? He didn't think he could bear it if his entire house hated him.

"Oh, Harrison, are you okay? It's alright to be a little nervous, you know." Evelyn placed her hand on his shoulder. She was wearing a cloak with the Black family crest on, all of them were, including Harrison himself. It made him feel special, wearing the beautiful cloak. It made him feel like he belonged. Belonged where? Harrison didn't exactly know, his relationship with Sirius still wasn't very good. It was getting better though! There was just something about Sirius that was off. But it wasn't with Sirius that he felt like he belonged. No, Harrison felt like he belonged right here, right now. The adults often apologised for not being there when he grew up, but Harrison felt as if it was all supposed to happen. Evelyn was the angel that saved him. She would always be, and he was very grateful for that. He belonged here and now, standing between Evelyn and Remus, his parents, with Sirius on the side, he was Evelyn's husband after all...


Right here, right now, all was good. Well, apart from the fact that the adults weren't exactly happy.

Dumbledore was still busy with trying to find the tiniest reasons to not let Harrison get a resort. It was making the adults absolutely furious. Harrison wasn't mad, though. Well, he wasn't really paying attention at all. It had started out civil, but that soon turned into shouting. Harrison didn't like shouting, so he had turned away from the conflict.

The adults weren't paying attention to him, so that meant he could explore the headmaster's office as much as he wanted to. The previous headmasters, or rather their portraits, were pointing out interesting books for him to read. They said he could take them home, but Harrison didn't really know whether Evelyn would like that. It kind of felt like stealing, and stealing isn't a nice thing to do.

"It's a shame Dumbledore's so prejudice. He's ruining the school!" Said one portrait, Harrison couldn't read the name underneath it from where he was standing.

"ENOUGH!" Evelyn's voice filled the room, turning everyone silent as if someone used a silencing charm. "Either you let Harrison get a resort and get sorted into one of the four houses, or I'm taking him off Hogwarts and he'll go to Beauxbatons instead. Do not underestimate me, Dumbledore! I am done with your games. Hogwarts or Beauxbatons, your choice."

"Now, now, my—"

"Do not insult my wife by calling her anything else than Lady Black. You have shown us no respect in the time that we've been here. Do not think we won't send Harrison to Beauxbatons, because we will. The only reason we are giving Hogwarts a chance is because Harrison wants to. Or do I have to remind you that you owe us. You owe us far more than a resort, so you better get on with it or we're leaving."

Harrison was surprised by Sirius' determination and the power he held with every single word. Maybe Harrison himself had underestimated Sirius. Harrison also knew that Dumbledore would do anything to keep him at Hogwarts. It's true what Sirius had said, the only reason they were here was because he wanted to stay at Hogwarts. All three the adults would have preferred it if he had just gone to Beauxbatons, they thought it would be safer for him. Harrison just couldn't leave Neville behind, and now that he and Draco were getting along... he had to stay at Hogwarts.

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