Chapter 4: Shouts, more shouts and Quidditch

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11th of June 1992

Evelyn was nervous. Yes, you heard it right. Evelyn Black was nervous. She straitened her blouse for the third time without there being any wrinkles. She had put on muggle clothes because she was walking towards Privet Drive, number four. She honestly didn't want to talk to Petunia. The last time they had met, things didn't end well.

Taking a deep breath, she rang the bell. The door swung open, Petunia Dursley standing in the doorway.

"You! What are you doing here? Why can't you lot leave us alone? You—"

"Petunia, I'm sure you don't want to make a fuss where everyone can see us? If you'll let me in, I can explain things without the whole neighborhood having to know. I'm here for a matter that can either take ages, or if you do as I say it can take one day and you'll never have to be connected to someone like me, ever again. What's it going to be?" The witch made sure to mention multiple times how bad it would look if Petunia didn't let her in. Harrison had told her how much his aunt cared about her image.

Mrs. Dursley seemed to hesitate, but eventually ushered the witch inside.

"Now, what do you want. If it's about the freak, he—"

"Don't you ever dare call Harrison a freak again!" Evelyn threatened, she had the feeling this wasn't going to be easy. Well, not that she had ever thought it would be easy.

Evelyn only got a huff as reply. She sighted, "Look, you don't like me, I don't like you, but we both want the same thing here. If you'll work with me, which means not insulting my kind and doing as I say, you won't have to take care of Harrison anymore. I'm here to tell you about the trail that I arranged to take his custody."

"You'll take the boy?" Petunia asked.

The relief in her voice, disgusted Lady Black. "Yes, everything is set. This letter explains what you as a muggle have to do to take part of the trail. You have to go to the trail in order for me to get custody of my godson. The date and hours are also mentioned. If you won't comply, they will force you there, Petunia. I'm sure you don't want that. So, just do as your told and for the love of Merlin, don't insult our kind. You'll be surrounded by magical people, so don't even think of it."

"I won't! I will not do anything you freaks—"

"If you won't do it out of free will, they'll force you there, like I said. They have the authority to do that. Petunia, be reasonable. Would you rather have to take care of a wizard for the next six years or spend one afternoon at the Ministry of Magic and then be free of our kind for the rest of your life?"

"Fine." Mrs. Dursley said through pursed lips. She was clearly not satisfied.

"Good. Like I said, everything is explained in the letter. If you follow the instructions, there shouldn't be a problem. Goodbye." Evelyn was glad to leave the house.


"Ah, Mrs. Black. It's good to see you again."

"I wish I could say the same to you, headmaster. You know why I'm here, let's skip the small talk."

"Might I know why you're here, Mrs. Black?" A voice behind her asked.

"Oh, Professor McGonagall. Yes, of course. I'm here to inform my godson about the details of the trail. I would've thought Professor Dumbledore would have informed you about that."

"Ah, well, I'm certain you know your way to the Gryffindor common room. The password is 'Pig Snout'."

"Thank you, Professor. Headmaster." She nodded at the two teachers and made her way towards the Gryffindor common room.

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