Chapter 23: A weak smile, bright blue and a job?

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21 July 1992

"You said his scar hurt? His scar? Not his head?" Sirius asked.

Evelyn nodded, "He was very specific about that. I asked him as well, but he said it was only his scar that would hurt when Quirrell was near him."

Remus shook his head. "That doesn't make any sense. I could understand that his head would hurt from the garlic, or from the realisation that it was you-know-who, or something... but his scar?"

"Something happened that night, and we have to figure out what it is."

Evelyn frowned, "You think it has to do with him being hit with the killing curse?"

"It has to! What else could be going on? He got the scar that night. It makes the most sense."

Remus agreed, "It would make sense. Perhaps whatever happened that night got awakened or activated or something because of Quirrell. Besides as far as I know, he wasn't a Parselmouth before that night. Perhaps that has to do with it as well."

Evelyn sighted, "I suppose so. It's just..."

"It's going to hurt." Sirius said when his wife didn't finish her sentence. "It's going to hurt to know what specifically happened that night. But we have to do this, for Harrison. I can't hear his screams when he has a nightmare knowing that there's something we can do about it. I can't."

"But what if we go through all the pain for nothing? I— I wasn't there. I should've been there. I should've ..." A tear rolled down her cheek. Evelyn didn't know what to do. Okay, that's not right. She did know what to do, she just had a bad feeling about it all.

Sirius wrapped his arms around his wife, calming her down. "Nothing's your fault, okay? No one could've seen it coming. We're not to blame for their deaths."

"But I should've been there for Harrison. I promised Lily! I promised I would take care of him when she was gone. She knew. She knew something would happen, and.. and I broke my promise." Evelyn tried her best not to completely burst in tears, but she wasn't succeeding very much.

"Look at me, my love." Sirius tilted her head so that their eyes met, "You did what you thought was best. You never wanted to stay away for so long, so you're not to blame for that. Okay, darling? You didn't broke your promise. I did. And we're not going to discuss this further. You are doing everything you can to give Harrison a good life, even if he's already eleven. You are amazing, love. Don't ever think that Lily wouldn't be proud of you. I am proud of you, so proud."

A weak smile appeared on Evelyn's lips. It was small and filled with pain and sadness, but it was a smile, nevertheless.

"If I may," Remus said, feeling a little awkward to break whatever was going on between Evelyn and Sirius, "I just don't understand how Dumbledore went over it so quickly, as if it was nothing?"

Sirius nodded, "That's been on my mind as well. He killed his own teacher, for Merlin's sake! And yet he was given no support at all."

"Indeed, "Evelyn agreed, "They even praised him for being a hero and all. That's not what you tell an eleven-year old who just experienced such a thing."

"Something's fishy with Dumbledore. I don't know what, but I think it's more and bigger than we can guess at the moment." Sirius said.

Evelyn's eyes widened, and she spoke in an urgent tone, "Does he know of the parseltongue?"

Remus frowned, "I don't think so, but we can't be sure. It's Dumbledore after all."

"Same goes for what he'll do when we go to him for a resort for Harrison." Evelyn commented, looking at Sirius.

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