Chapter 20: Proud, clean slate and vows

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13th July 1992

"What feeling did it gave you? It's not nothing to take up a Lordship ring, combining that with an heirship ring... You handled it really well. How did that make you feel?" Alyxia asked.

Harrison had to think for a second before responding. He had felt good, for some reason.. He had felt proud of himself for being worthy of both rings. He had felt powerful, he told her.

"Powerful?" She repeated.

After all the sessions he'd been through, Harrison knew that she didn't understand him or she wanted him to explain further because this wasn't normal. Either way, Harrison explained to her how the magic had felt. He couldn't explain to her exactly what had happened after he put on the rings, since that were family secrets.

He explained how the foreign, yet so familiar, magic had touched his very own magic, though he had no idea how that works or if he was even describing it right. It had felt so good, so right. He hadn't felt like that before. The magic was so powerful, and even though the Black family magic was rather fierce, they had both embraced him. Harrison honestly didn't know how else to explain the feeling, though Alyxia didn't comment on it.

"You mentioned feeling proud?" Alyxia asked, motioning for him to explain that further.

Harrison shifted in his seat, "Well, I couldn't disappoint mum and dad. I— I just couldn't. This was something really important, more important than anything I've ever done. Well, perhaps my trial..." He shook his head, he didn't want to think about that day again. It wasn't one of his most pleasant memories, even though it caused Evelyn to become his guardian. He had felt so embarrassed, he had feared that she'd change her mind, that she didn't want him, that— No, no, no! He shook his head again, he was alive and loved, and that's all that matters.

Alyxia called his name once more, seeing the boy shake his head a few times before meeting her eyes. "What were you thinking of, Harrison?"

"I was thinking about my trial. We've talked about that enough, though. As I was saying, taking my place as the Black heir and Lord to the Potter family, it was more important for me than anything. I couldn't screw it up, so I guess I was more relieved than I was proud."

"You should be proud of yourself though. You know that, don't you, Harrison?"

A nod confirmed her thoughts. "Therefore you subconsciously convinced yourself that you were proud of what you did. Now though, you thought about it truly and you realise that you weren't actually proud. Am I correct?"

"Yes." Harrison's voice cracked. He hated when she did this, when she figured him out, definitely about thing he himself hadn't realised yet. It was stupid of him to think this way. I mean, this was the whole reason she was here, right? So, why did he hate it that much? He should find these talks relaxing, or at least make him feel better, at least that's what dad told him. Though, he just felt worse after these talks.

"That's something we'll work on next time. Alright?"

Harrison simply nodded, relieved that the session was over. He was going to ask Remus to play Quidditch with him, that'll sheer him up. He could also write to Neville, though perhaps he should wait until he got Neville's response to his last letter. Okay, Quidditch first, and then perhaps some reading. That'll do it.


14th July 1992

Evelyn gave Harrison a once over and nodded at his open forest green robes adorned with both the crest of the Potter family as the crest of the Black family over smart black trousers and a silk shirt. Harrison's hair had been subjected to Sirius's Potter hair-calming charm and his silver-framed glasses sparkled. The Potter Lordship ring and the Black Heirship ring were prominently on display on his right hand. The sunlight coming through the multiple windows in the entrance hall made the rings shine.

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