Chapter 15: Alive and loved, that's all that matters

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30th June 1992

"Good morning, mister Potter." Alyxia said, waving her wand to make the dust of the floo disappear from her robes. She sat down in front of Harrison, placing her bag on the floor with a thud.

"Good morning, madame." Harrison said politely, placing his hands in his lap. He was so not looking forward to yet another therapy session. When will these stop?! He's fine! Most of his scars are gone, he's got no other physical injuries anymore. What's there to talk about anyway? He already knows all the terms that the healers and ministry people used to describe what happened to him. he had been sitting in that small office answering all their questions patiently for four hours, Merlin's beard! What could they possibly want from him now? Hasn't he given them enough information yet? Isn't it enough yet? It's been more than two weeks, for Merlin's sake! How long will this last?

"How are you feeling, Harrison?" Alyxia's voice shook Harrison out of his thoughts.

"Uh? Oh, uhm." Damn it, Harrison! Posture, manners, remember what aunt Evelyn thought you. "I'm fine, madame. Thank you for asking. I hope you're well too?"

"Ah, yes, thank you. What were you thinking about?"

Damn it. See this is what happens when you lose your posture. Think, Harrison, think!

"There's no need to hide anything from me, Harrison. Even if it's something little that doesn't have to do with why I'm here, you may always tell me. I'm here to listen to you and help you."

Uh, I liked her better last time. She's probably gotten comfortable. Should I tell her? Is it rude? Ah, screw it.

"Well, I was wondering how long these meetings are going to last. See, I can't imagine having to leave Hogwarts every week during the schoolyear. It would be a bit of a hassle, don't you think?"

She seemed to think for a bit. Please don't see through my lie, please don't...

"Are you getting bored, Harrison?"

And she knows. Of course she knows! Why do they always know everything?! David also seemed to know when he was hiding his pain. What are these people?!

"I'm simply wondering if this is truly necessary. I'm sure you got enough information already. I just can't believe you don't have better, more important things to do. It's nothing personal, madame, but this isn't my favourite way to spend the summer holidays, if you understand what I'm trying to say."

"Of course, Harrison. I understand, but we have these talks to help you. To help you process what happened to you—"

"You can't even name it. You always find new ways to avoid saying what it's called. At least David wasn't afraid to face the truth. You all think I'm a helpless child who's a danger to himself and others. I'm not, okay?! When I say 'I'm fine', I mean 'I'm fine'. I have nothing to tell you. If something's wrong with me, I'll tell mum, or dad. Not you. When will you people finally get it?!"

"Harrison, please calm down. I'm sure we can talk this out. I—"

"I am calm. You just expect me to be a lonely, depressed child. I'm sorry I'm not what you expected me to be."

"Harrison, there's nothing wrong with you. You're—"

"Worth it. I know, you've told me countless of times already", out of breath, Harrison had to wait a few seconds before continuing. "Look, madame, I mean no disrespect. But please, I'm fine. Truly. I just don't see any use of these talks. Definitely not so often. I would have more use talking to mum, or dad, or Neville. You always say that having people around me is important. Why can't I talk to them, instead—"

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