Chapter 21: Apologise, werewolves and content

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15th July 1992

"So, uh, you're a Parselmouth." Sirius said, not so sure how to start the conversation.

It had been awkward all evening the day before, Harrison hadn't come out of his room after the two adults had talked about it with Remus, who hadn't been with them at the Malfoy's. Evelyn suspected he had heard a bad part of their conversation, there had been some yelling involved. She felt stupid for not casting a silencing spell, she should've known him better. Of course he would search for them after a while.

Harrison didn't have another choice but to go downstairs for breakfast. It was one big rule in Evelyn's household that eating in any other room but the kitchen and the dining room. He didn't want them to be even more mad at him, so here he was sitting in the dining room in awkward silence that Sirius had just broken.

He didn't answer, he didn't know what to say.

"Look, I don't know what you heard, but we're not mad at you, Harrison." Evelyn said, trying to comfort him.

"Yeah, you didn't do anything wrong. There's no need for us to be mad." Sirius added.

"But you're still upset, all of you." Harrison put a lot of meaning behind the ending of his sentence. It rarely happened that all three of them were upset about the same thing at the same time.

"Well, yes, we are upset. But it isn't your fault."

"You said something's wrong with me because my parents couldn't talk to snakes."

Sirius' eyes widened, and though he didn't notice, so did Evelyn's and Remus'.

So that was the part that Harrison had heard. Of course he was so upset, he couldn't have heard a worse part.

Sirius and Harrison were staring at each other, the first one in shock and panic, while the other was looking at the man with loathing.

"Pup, I didn't mean—"

"Don't call me that! You don't have the right. You said what you said, you can't change that."

"Harrison, you must realise there was context you missed. Sirius didn't mean it literally, we just don't know how you got it, that's all. Okay? We're not mad at you, there's nothing wrong with you. We're all just a little shocked and confused."

"I'm not upset because of you, mum. It's him", Harrison pointed at Sirius, "that I got a problem with. One moment he's nice to me and the man you told me he would be, and the other moment he's a complete jerk who hates on everything he doesn't hundred percent agree with. I'm sick of hearing about how much he hates his family, Professor Snape, Slytherin... I'm just done with it."

Harrison had to stop to breath. Taking a few deep breaths, he tried to calm down.

"You said I could be myself here. You promised that no one would judge me or what I like here. Yet, he makes fun of people I look up to, things I enjoy to do, and..." Harrison didn't finish his sentence, he didn't dare to. He had screwed things up enough already by his outburst, he couldn't tell them this as well definitely not with Sirius present.

He looked at Evelyn. He could see tears building up in her eyes. Did he make her cry? No, no, no! He couldn't, he couldn't make her cry. She can't leave him, she's all he had. He couldn't lose her. He couldn't...

Remus whispered, "Cub..."

"I'm sorry." Harrison choked out. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

Evelyn broke out of her shock and rushed towards her godson. "Oh, pup... It's okay, it's okay."

"No, no, it's not. I—" He let out a sob, "I made you cry. Please don't leave me."

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