Chapter 6: Letters, friendship and silky hair

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15th of June 1992

"Good morning, Neville. What's the book about?" Harry plopped down in front of Neville. He was starving, and Hogwarts never seemed to disappoint him with the food choices.

"Hey, Harry. It's 'Goshawk's Guide to Herbology'. Did you know there's a wizard in Nepal who's growing gravity-resistant trees?" Neville said, once again glad he had become friends with Harrison. He was really interested in what Neville was doing.

"How would that work? You can't plant them if they're gravity-resistant, right? Did the book mention how he does that?"

"Well, yes, it said that the wizard used—"

Neville got interrupted by a black owl landing right in front of Harry, making his toast fly towards the Hufflepuff table.

"Wow, she's beautiful. Don't you think, Harry?" Neville said, admiring the bird.

"Yeah, she is, it's aunt Evelyn's owl." He took the letter from the animal's leg, offering he a piece of bacon like he does with Hedwig.


"And I'm done!" Harry shouted, putting the feather down, he had just finished writing his letter to Evelyn and Remus. "Are you coming, Neville? If I send it with Hedwig now, perhaps they'll send a reply before the evening."

"Yeah, sure. Won't Ron be mad that we're spending time together while you've been avoiding him for the past few days?"

Harrison nodded, he knew Ron would be mad, so would Hermione, but he couldn't seem to care much. Neville was a way better friend than both of them combined. He shrugged, he'll deal with them later.

"So, you said you're waiting for a reply..." Neville started, he didn't want to be rude to ask about Harry's personal life.

"Yeah, I asked if Evelyn had tried to convince the headmaster to let me go home sooner. You're a great friend, Neville, but it's been such a busy year, and I kind of want peace and rest. You know? And I don't get that with Ron and Hermione nagging me constantly. Perhaps I could ask Aunt Evelyn to let you come over during the holidays? Dudley had friends over multiple times. Do you think your grandmother will let you?"

Neville was a little shocked, to say the least. He'd never had friends before Hogwarts, and now he was being invited to Harry Potter's home? "Yeah, yes. I'm sure gran will be glad that I'm making friends."

"Good." It was all Harrison said.

The boys continued their way towards the Owlery in silence, both enjoying the presence of a friend.


Harry sprinted towards the greenhouses, a letter with the black family cress on in his hand. The smile on his face could light up a room.

Neville looked up when the door swung open. "Oh, hey, Harry. Will you—"

"She said they'll pick me up tomorrow! I can go home tomorrow. Home... I'll have a family. Isn't that amazing? Neville? This is good news. Right?" Harry's excitement went down in the matter of seconds. His friend didn't look as happy as him. Why?

"Yeah, that's nice." Neville looked down at the plant he was taking care of.

"Neville... What's wrong? This is what I've wanted. Why do you look sad?"

"It's just... I'll be alone again if you go. You're the only person who actually wants to be my friend." He was trying not to cry. He really didn't want Harry to go. He also knew that his discomfort was a price he was willing to pay, in order for Harry to be happy.

"Oh, I forgot about that. I'm sorry, Neville. I don't want to leave you here, but it's just—" Harry mentally slapped himself. How could he be so stupid. He screwed up, again...

"You need this, Harry. I'm not blaming you. I know that this is the best option for you. You said it yourself, you can't focus on the things that are going on in your life at the moment, when Hermione and Ron are nagging around you every second of the day."

Harry hugged his friend, suddenly realising that he'll miss Neville during the holidays.


"Harry Potter! Finally, where have you been?" Hermione's voice echoed through the common room.

Harrison flinched, he had just returned from the quidditch pitch because it was getting dark.

"Yeah, we've been looking for you all day, mate." Ron said, as he and Hermione walked up to Harrison and Neville.

"You're not avoiding us, are you Harry?" Hermione said, as if it would be a shame if Harry was avoiding them.

Harry scratched his neck, what was he supposed to say now?

"We just went to the Quidditch Pitch and lost track of time. You have that sometimes when you study and lose track of time, Hermione. There's nothing to be mad about." Neville said.

Harry was glad he had Neville. He was the only one who knew how troubled Hermione, Ron and his friendship was. Yes, they went on lots of adventures together. He didn't feel like the whole friendship was a lie. No, he just didn't understand why they did so many dangerous things. He never wanted to do them, but somehow got caught up in it all every time. Neville knew he needed the rest sometimes.

Neville was a good friend. Harry repeated it almost everyday to himself, he was so lucky to have Neville as his friend.

Hermione huffed, crossing her arms. "Well, I don't agree. This has been going on for a while now, I want to know what's going on."

Neither boys said anything, not knowing how to respond.

"You're stealing him from us, Neville. Find your own friends, Harry's our friend." Ron accused Neville.

"Hey! Neville is my friend. You can't talk to him like that. He's not stealing me from you. It's ridiculous that you would think that." Harry countered. Nobody could talk about his friend like that. His best friend, but Ron didn't need to know that.

The tension was awful, and Harry was starting to feel sick of the negative feelings this conversation was giving.

"Look, guys, you're all my friends, but I'm really tired, can we go to sleep?"

Without waiting for an answer, he made his way towards the boys' bedrooms. He wished he could be with his aunt and uncle, they would understand him, right?

With the thought of seeing Evelyn and Remus again, tomorrow, the Gryffindor fell asleep.


"I still can't believe Dumbledore let Harry go so easily. After the things he tried during the hearing..." Remus said.

"I think he's trying to gain our trust again. Which is not working, at all." Evelyn wasn't planning to trust Dumbledore, ever again.

Remus let his hand go through the woman's hair. The silky hair felt perfect against his skin. No, Remus, stop thinking about her like that.

"I'm glad Harrison will be home soon." Evelyn turned her face towards the werewolf.

Remus agreed. He missed his cub already. His letter and his reaction two days ago, had made him worried about Harrison.

"Hey, it's going to be fine. He'll be save with us." The soft voice of his friend made Remus relax.

Yes, it was all going to be okay. He will make sure that his cub is safe and happy.

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