Chapter 16: Lilies, scars and Sirius

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1st of July 1992

"Neville! Look! Over here!"

"Harry? Where are you?" Right when he said that, he saw Harrison crouched before some flowers. There weren't a lot of flowers in the maze, sure, but why were these so different?


"There's lilies. I didn't know we had lilies in our garden." He smiled at Neville.

Lilies, Neville thought, like his mother... with a soft smile, he sat down as well.

"They're beautiful, don't you think?"

Neville nodded, not knowing why the mood was so emotional compared to a few minutes before.

"I'm glad I have something that reminds me of them, you know? I— I sometimes feel guilty for called aunt Evelyn and uncle Remus mum and dad. I— I wish there was a way to tell them that I love them and that they don't feel replaced by mum and dad. It's foolish to think that, but I want them to be proud of me. I want to make them proud, even though they're gone..."

"I understand. I want to make my parents proud too, even though they don't recognize me anymore. I think it's normal."

Harrison grabbed his hand. He wasn't alone. He had parents, a home and Neville. He was alive and loved, and that's all that matters.

The two boys sat there for a while, they had no sense of time, but that didn't matter. It was vacation, and Harrison couldn't be happier. No more schoolwork, no more tests, no more Snape who deducts points for breathing too loudly, no more Hermione that accuses him of cheating because he's got better points, no more Ron who gives snide comments and jealous glances, no more hiding his real self to avoid drama with the press, no more stupid talks with the headmaster for the most stupid reasons ever.

"Harrison! Neville! Where are you, kids?" Evelyn's shouts broke their silence.

"Coming, mum!" Harrison shouted back, standing up. Only then he realized he was still holding Neville's hand. Acting as if it was on purpose, he helped Neville stand up.

Not letting go of his hand, Harrison started walking. As the godson of Lord and Lady Black, he could make the maze change and give him a straight path out, but Harrison wasn't feeling like it.

Neville was blushing lightly, letting Harrison guide him out of the maze. It had been so peaceful, just the two of them, lilies and all the time in the world. Well, the latter wasn't really true, but it was the thought that counted, right?

As they rounded the last corner, neither boys knew that they both expected the other to let go. Because of this, they were still holding hands when they arrived at the pavilion where Lady Black and Lady Longbottom had been drinking tea and discussing family matters.

Both ladies saw the intertwined hands of the two boys.


2nd of July 1992

"Harrison, will you please let me take a look at your scars? I need to make sure that they are completely healed, pup. I know you don't like anyone seeing them, but it won't be long."

"I don't want to! They're fine, why can't you just believe me?!"

"We believe you, pup, it's just that—"


Evelyn flinched away from her godson. Merlin, she hated to do this. She looked at Remus who had been standing silently in a corner of the room, clearly uncomfortable with the situation. Evelyn gave him a pleading look.

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