Chapter 22: Brilliant, guess what and laughter

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18th July 1992

It had been three days since Harrison's outburst, and Sirius had spent almost every minute of those days in the library. Evelyn and Remus had no idea what he was looking for. They had asked the animagus multiple times, but he refused to tell them anything until he found what he needed.

"If I just know what you're looking for, I can help searching. It'll be much more productive if you let me help." Evelyn reasoned, after he refused to tell her yet another time.

Sirius didn't answer, he didn't know how to react since she was right and he was too stubborn to admit it.

"At least take a break, you've been in here for hours. You need some fresh air, Sirius. Have you even had lunch yet?" Evelyn sighted in defeat.

"I have. And I don't need fresh air, the window's open." Sirius said stubbornly, putting down the book he had been reading. It didn't have the answers he was looking for.

"Is it about Harrison being a Parseltongue? You know I'm searching for answers about that myself as well as Remus..." Evelyn tried.

Sirius shook his head. "It's not that. It's something else Harrison mentioned, something more urgent." He let his hand go through his hair as his eyes scanned the books on the final part of the library he hadn't looked through yet. He prayed that this part would finally have some answers, to who he prayed, he didn't know, but he needed to—

That book seemed promising...

"If it's so urgent, why can't you tell us? Let us help, Sirius. I know Harrison's outburst hurt because of the truth it held, but that doesn't mean you have to lock yourself up in the library..."

Sirius wasn't really listening, he was flipping through the book, stopping once in a while when he saw promising words or drawings.

"Harrison is starting to feel bad. You're not really helping with being locked up in here. I mean it, Sirius, either you tell us, or... what? What is it?" Evelyn saw Sirius stop flipping through the book like a maniac. No, now he was looking at a page like a maniac.

"This... This is it. This..." He looked up at his wife, who was looking at him concerned. "Harrison will love this! I got it! I got it, Evelyn!"

"Got what, Sirius?" She didn't wait for an answer, and took the book right out of Sirius' hands.

"A resort?" Evelyn read, and then it dawned to her. "Oh, Sirius, you're brilliant!"

A cocky smirk appeared on Sirius' face, "Yeah, that's me, Mr. Brilliant. Thank you, thank you."

Evelyn smiled at her husband's dramatic bowing, that's how she knew him. She handed him the book back, "First read everything, then tell Harrison. Got it?"

Sirius nodded franticly, starting to read immediately.

Evelyn smiled, she was glad both Harrison and Sirius will get what they want and need eventually. She didn't know much about resorts, so she had some research to do.


Harrison had been sitting quietly on the balcony until Sirius bust through the doors. With that stupid smirk of him, of course, Harrison thought annoyed. There goes the peace and quiet, he practically rolled his eyes in his head by the clear excitement of his godfather. But before he could stand up to leave, Sirius nearly yelled at him.

"Guess what, guess what!?" Sirius couldn't restrain his excitement. He was about to get his godson back, even if it was only a little. Progress is progress!

Now Harrison actually rolled his eyes, "I do not care what you have to say, I was just about to leave in fact."

"Oh, you and I both know that you weren't, pup. But this is good, really good, brilliant, or so Evelyn said." Perhaps it was cheating by mentioning Evelyn, but Sirius didn't care about that right now. As long as he got his godson's attention, which definitely was the case now, he could take the accusing and distrustful look in Harrison's eyes.

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