Chapter 11: Godbrothers, mum and warmth

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20th of June 1992

"Wait, so you're saying that Neville's my godbrother?" Harrison looked at them with wide eyes.

"Yes, your father was Neville's godfather. Which makes you two godbrothers." Evelyn explained once again.

"That's amazing! Does Neville know?" The child's excitement was filling the room. He was nearly shaking of enthusiasm.

"I do not know. He never told you so either he doesn't, or he does but was not ready to tell you yet." Remus explained.

"Can I write him a letter about it?"

"Of course, pup. I'm sure he'll be really happy."

Harry jumped up from his seat and rushed to his room.

"No running in the corridors, Harrison!" Evelyn yelled, smiling at her godson's excitement.

She was glad that the two godbrothers were good friends. With all that's going on and Sirius' trail... the child needed a good friend to take his mind of things like that.

Though she was concerned about the lack of attention he gave to his so called 'best friends': Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger. Professor McGonagall had assured them that the trio were best friends, and one would expect so since they went after a possessed Quirrell together. Harrison had received a few letters of the two, but he paid them no attention, he wrote brief answers and spend more time talking to Neville through letters than to the other two combined. She didn't want to intrude Harrison's privacy, but she had to ask him about it someday, right? This was not normal behaviour, was it? I mean, they fought a troll together, played a huge chess game (and won!) and then we're not even talking about the whole Quirrell thing.

She'd ask him about it when things were settled with Sirius and his trail.


23th of June 1992

"Goodnight, pup."

Harrison yawned, "Goodnight, mum."

Evelyn froze in her steps, door in her hand. Did he just call her mum again? She slowly turned around, watching her godson roll over and fall asleep.

Closing the door with a soft klick, she quickly made her way towards the family drawing room.

"Remus! He did it again."

Remus looked up, alarmed. "Who did what again? Are you alright? Harrison! Is he okay?"

She nodded rapidly, "Yes. We're fine. But that's not— He called me mum again, Remus!"

"Oh," Remus frowned and put down his newspaper, "Well, what do you wish to do about it?"

"I— I do not know. It's just, it's the third time he called me mum. He called you dad once too. I just don't understand what makes him say that. I don't..." Evelyn sighted, running her hand through her hair.

"You don't want to replace Lily and James." Remus said with a look of understanding. "Hey, I get it, okay? Why do you think I freaked out when he called me dad yesterday? I suppose we just have to act like it's nothing and wait until he realizes it himself."

"Yeah, yeah, that makes sense. I just feel bad for Lily. She's his mother, not me."

"Yes, but she would be so proud of you right now. Hey, look at me", Remus cupped her cheeks, "Think of what you've accomplished. You gave Harrison a safe home. You got Sirius a trail. You saved me..."

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