Chapter 7: Packing, fighting and goodbye

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16th of June 1992

Today was the day. Today he would finally go somewhere he could call "home".

Home... It sounded so foreign to Harry, yet he was so close to having it. He wondered how the house would look like. How would his bedroom look like? Would it be like the rooms in Hogwarts? Or like Dudley's bedroom?

His thoughts were interrupted by Neville. "Harry! Come on. It's getting late and you still need to pack your bags."

"Coming!" He tried to yell, but only some incoherent noise escaped. He put down his toothbrush and cleaned his mouth with some water. "I'm coming. I'm almost done, just need to find my—"

"Cloak?" His friend said, holding the black piece of clothing in front of him. "Yeah, that. You're a lifesaver, Neville. Let's go downstairs. I still need to talk to Hermione and Ronald. Merlin, that's going to be painful."

"Hey, you have something fun to look forward to. The only thing I have to look forward to is lunch, that is if Ron won't be nagging me the whole time because you didn't tell him you'd leave." Neville didn't want to sound sad or jealous. But they both knew he was.

Harrison gave his friend a hug. "It'll be fine, besides you can help Professor Sprout in the greenhouses this afternoon. Just don't miss me too much, okay?"

The two boys laughed at the last sentence. Harry was not the best in comforting people.

"I'm starving! Let's go get breakfast." He said, a smile playing on his face.


"You're leaving?!"

"Yes, I am. I'm going to see my new home. Aren't you happy for me?" Harry said. He knew Ronald wasn't happy for him at all, but still... he could only try, right?

"Right now?" Hermione asked, standing next to Ronald Weasley who's face was looking almost as red as his hair.

Harry nodded.

"How could you do this to us? We're supposed to be your friends!" Ron yelled, spit escaping from his mouth.

"Why didn't you tell us before, Harry?" Hermione placed her hands on the sides of her waist, trying to look more bossy.

"You only think about yourself. You're an egoistic person."

"That's considered rude, you know? Not telling you're friends that you're leaving."

"You always hang out with Neville. He doesn't deserve you're attention. I'm your best friend. No that Squib. He doesn't even belong in Gryffindor he's a coward—"

The two Gryffindors shouted at the same time. Harry could barely understand what they were saying, but the things he did understand nearly made him burst out in anger.

"ENOUGH!" He yelled, the silence that followed was like music to Harry's ears.

He took a deep breath, "Look, I don't mind you insulting me, but don't you ever dare to insult Neville again. He did nothing wrong and those things you said, Ronald, were false. Neville belongs more in Gryffindor than you. He's one of the bravest people that I know. So don't you dare call him a coward. And I've seen him working in the greenhouses, he's everything but a Squib. He's very powerful, he's just got the wrong wand.

About you being 'my best friend', you're not. No, don't interrupt me. You're not my best friend. If you were, I wouldn't treasure the time that I spend away from you.

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