Introduction: Back in England

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Evelyn Lightwood, with Harry our main character, was gone for a reason out of her control for the last 10 years. Those ten years started one month before the Potter's deaths and ended one month after Harry's 11th birthday. After returning to the conscious world, she had to recover from whatever kept her away for 10 years. This recovering process took multiple months. Not knowing yet of the deaths of the Potters, she saw no haste to recover apart from her longing to see her friends and godson again.

Still stranded in Canada, she learns of how long it has been and after asking some people and searching in library's, she learns of the deaths of her dear friends. But what shocked her the most was the imprisonment of her husband, Sirius Black. Not knowing what to do, she lets the information sink in. Mourning the deaths of the Potter's, the attack on the Longbottom's, the imprisonment of her husband... there's only one thing that's clear for her. She needs to see Harry. She doesn't know who has custody over him, since Sirius is in Azkaban, Peter is dead, Remus is a werewolf and therefore the ministry will do anything to get Harry out of his hands, the Longbottom's are in St. Mungo's...

Oh, she hopes Harry doesn't blame her for not being there for him. Even though she couldn't help it, she does blame herself for leaving him. After a few months of thinking and recovering both on physical, mental and magical level, she decides it's time to go to England. Harry will be at Hogwarts, so she doesn't have to worry about him for just a bit longer.

On the 4th of June, she arrives in the UK. First she needs a place to stay, so she apparates to the place Sirius and her lived after they got married. Black manor stood proudly on a hill. Flower fields surrounding the house she loved so dearly. Sirius never understood why she wanted to live there, but even though he sometimes acts like it, he's not stupid and not as oblivious as James Potter. He saw the sparkle in her eyes when they first visited this estate.

They were searching for a place to stay after Hogwarts when they got married. How they got the idea to live in one of the Black estates, she didn't remember. But after Evelyn said she found Grimmauld Place too dark and small. After hearing she wanted a big garden with flower fields, he took her to the Black Manor on the hill. Known in the Black family as "the Light House" or "the Flower".

It hadn't been used for ages, but Evelyn could see everything before her, it would be beautiful to live there she told Sirius. And just like that, they had a house.

Sirius had let her do all the designing, he let her choose the colour of the walls, the furniture, the garden, the flowers... With the help of the house elves that liked "Young mistress", the manor looked beautiful in just a week or two.

The manor didn't look like any other estates of the Black family. White and light blue bathrooms, black and emerald green bedrooms... and on Sirius request, (one of the only things he asked about the interior) crimson red kitchen chairs.

"Please, darling, there has to be some red. I am a Gryffindor, it would be a shame if I didn't have any red in my own house. You've done a great job so far, but how can I allow so much green without a little bit red. You can choose, darling, please? Pretty please?" Sirius said, with puppy eyes.

Evelyn sighted, even though she was quite good at ignoring those puppy eyes, she knew that she had to give him something too. He had let her decorate the whole manor, which honestly had been a lot of work, but she liked it.

"Fine. What about the kitchen? You liked to sneak in the kitchen at Hogwarts."

Sirius's eyes lit up, he jumped up from the couch. With just three steps he was standing in front of his wife. "Really? You'll do it?"

She chuckled at his excitement. "Yes, we'll do it. What about crimson red kitchen chairs?"

The grip on her waist grew tighter. "Really?" He couldn't believe it. She had never liked the colour red. How he, a Gryffindor, had fallen in love with someone who hated red, was still a mystery for him.

She nodded, the smile on his face made her smile too. Suddenly, she was lifted from the ground, her hands instinctively gripping on her husband's shoulders. "Sirius! Put me down!" she giggled.

When her feed finally hit the ground again, she didn't let go of Sirius's shoulders.

He embraced his wife. "You're amazing. I love you."

Her lips found his and she let her arms rest on his shoulders.

The memories she made in this house took over her mind for a few moments. But eventually she shook her head in a way to bring herself back to reality. Her husband was in prison, they're not the happy newlywedded couple anymore and she had work to do.

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