Chapter 10: Flashbacks, crying and spying

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After the imprisonment of Sirius Black, Remus Lupin went to Dumbledore for answers and help. He had been trying to convince the headmaster of Sirius' innocence for half an hour.

"Please, professor, you have to believe me. Sirius would never—"

"Now, Remus, my boy, you wouldn't question my decisions, would you now? After all, I was the one who let you come to Hogwarts. I'm sure that the Ministry will do what they must do."

"But—" Remus' eyes suddenly glazed over.

Out of the werewolf eyeshot, Dumbledore waved his wand slightly mumbling something Remus couldn't hear.

"You will accept Sirius as traitor of the Potters and will not question it any further. You will convince yourself that Harry does not need you and is better off without you. You shall trust me with making decisions for Harry's wellbeing. You will not remember anything of this. So mote it be."

With a last flick of his wand, Remus' eyes became clear again.


"Yes, of course, my boy. I'm sure it must be hard for you, losing three friends and with Black betraying them..."

Remus swallowed, eyes watering again.

"Now, you may leave, of course. I would not want to keep you here against your will. Thank you for your help, Remus."

Green flames appeared in the fireplace. Remus knew that was his call to leave.

"Yes, of course, professor. Thank you." He said, before disappearing in the flames.


"Oh, come on moony, loosen up a bit, will you? It's not that big of a deal. Let's go..." Sirius whined, trying to drag his friend with him.

"What if someone sees us? It's against the rules, we can't just—" Remus protested.

"Oh, please, moony. It'll be fun, trust me. Right, peter?" James swung his arm around Remus, nearly causing the both of them to fall.

"Besides, even if Minnie finds out, who cares? It won't be the first time that we got detention."

"Yeah, that's because you always land us in trouble, padfoot." James teased.

"Oh, yeah? Well, you're the one who got us in detention last month, because you were too busy staring at Evans."

"Oh, I'll get you for that!"

The two boys wrestled on the flour playfully as Remus and Peter stood on the side, not really knowing what to do.

"What about the time that you let Peter fall and made him land in the Hospital wing for a whole week, because you wanted to impress Lightwood, huh?" James said, pushing Sirius on the ground.

"Yeah, well, at least Evelyn is a bit interested in me. You're sure Lily even looked at you in the past week?"

Peter chuckled and James simply laughed out loud. "Ha! In fact, she did. But you were too busy checking out dear Evelyn."

"Well, Evelyn is prettier."

"Oh, you take that back! Lily is!"

"No, Evelyn!"

"No, Lily!"


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