Chapter 8: Hugs, blood and tears

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"Is this... We're going to live here?" Harrison gasped at the sight of the manor.

Evelyn giggled, "Yes, Harrison. We'll be living here with Remus. I assume you like it, judging on your reaction."

Harrison, practically drooling, had ran to the gate, his hands wrapped around the black bars in the hopes to see more of the breathtaking Manor.

"It's beautiful. Can we go closer? Pleaseee?"

Laughing, Evelyn placed her hand on the Black Crest in the middle of the gate.

Harrison's eyes widened even more when his hands weren't gripping the bars anymore, they weren't gripping anything at all. He nearly fell forward, since the support of the gate suddenly disappeared. Luckily Evelyn caught him in time.

"It turned into smoke! How- it's magic, isn't it? How did you do it?" He asked, looking up at his guardian.

"Why don't you try it yourself? Here, lay your hand on the crest. It's the Black family crest, protecting Black manor. You're coded into the wards, which are magical protections that only let those who are allowed to, onto the grounds. All you need to do is place your hand on it, yes right there. Now, think of how you perform "Lumos", but now focus on your magic and push it onto the metal. It sounds harder than it is, don't worry. Go ahead."

Harrison listened carefully and then pushed a little of his magic on the crest. Instantly, the feeling of the cold metal against his skin disappeared. He waved his hand through the smoke that held the image of the previous solid gate.

"So, only people who are in the wards can do this?" He asked stepping towards the manor.

Evelyn nodded, "Yes, if you find the topic of wards interesting, I'm sure we have some books about them in the library. I'll have one of the house-elves pick them out for you, if you want."

"We have a library? This is amazing!" Harrison yelled, twirling around, his arms flowing around him.

Evelyn chuckled at the child's excitement. She saw the front door open. Remus looked delighted to see Harrison again. Harrison clearly returned the feeling as he sprinted towards the werewolf. As the two boys hugged each other, Evelyn felt at peace. Everything was perfect. No, almost everything. She nearly looked beside her to share this moment with her lover, but Sirius wasn't here. He was in Azkaban, in Azkaban for betraying their friends. She still didn't want to believe it. Shaking her head, she thought of happier thoughts. Oh, she wanted to see Harrison's face when he saw the quidditch pitch. The boy was just as obsessed with Quidditch as his father had been.

"Come on, Aunt Evelyn! Uncle Remus said he'd give me a tour of the house." Harrison called, a wide smile on his face.

Yes, Evelyn thought, this summer was going to be good.


While Harrison was admiring the purple drawing rooms, Remus and Evelyn stood in the doorway, looking at the excited child.

"You took so long, I was starting to get worried." Remus said quietly, eyes still on Harrison.

"You're always worried, Remus. You should worry less. We're perfectly fine, now, so don't dwell on it."

Remus nodded, "Yes, I know. It's just..."

"We just got him back and you're afraid to lose him again. To not be there for him when he needs you."

Remus lowered his head, nodding. "You always know how to say it, Evelyn."

"Because I feel the same way. Look, Remus, we both weren't there for Harrison when he needed us the most. I didn't even know what had happened until a few months ago, for Merlin's sake. We're here now, though. I know that we can't take back what we've lost, we can't turn back time, but we can take care of him now. Taking him away from Petunia is only the first step. You've heard how he talks about his experience at Hogwarts."

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