Chapter 9: Mum, Quidditch and an important letter

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"Where are we going now, Aunt Evelyn?" Harrison asked, following her and Remus downstairs.

"There's only one part of the estate that you haven't seen yet, Harrison. Care to take a guess?" She smiled.

As they entered the ballroom, Harrison saw the answer on his question right in front of him.

"The garden!" He yelled, running towards the other side of the grand room.

Hearing the adults chuckled behind him, he opened the doors that lead to the balcony.

"It's huge!"

Evelyn laughed, "It is. You see the lake in the distance, there?"

Harrison looked at where his aunt was pointing. A gigantic lake was glinstering in the sunlight.

"That's ours too. The runes around it keep it clean and warm, so it's sort of like a big swimming pool. The forest behind that, which is a bit hard to see from here, also belongs to the Black family."

An enormous garden, a pond that's also a swimming pool and a forest? Harrison was yet again blown away by the fortune of the Black family.

Evelyn's tone suddenly got serious, "Harrison, I need you to promise me that you'll never, under no circumstances, will go into the forest alone. The forest is too big to put heavy protection spells on and the wards are weaker there. Promise me, buddy."

"No going into the forest alone. Got it." Harrison responded. He made a mental note to search for books about protection spells and wards.

"She's right, Harrison. It's too dangerous. Definitely at night." The werewolf added. He didn't want Harrison to get hurt on a full moon by him or anyone for that matter.

"I promise." Harrison said, his face breaking out in a smile, "Can we go in the garden now?"

After getting a nod from his aunt, Harry sprinted down the marble stairs.

"No running on the stairs, Harrison. You could fall." She called out, but her godson had already reached the end of the staircase.

"Sorry, mum!" He yelled, racing towards the pavilion close to the manor.

Evelyn stopped walking, shocked at her godson's words. "Did he just—"

"He did."

Evelyn took a deep breath. She had certainly not been expecting this. She'd been expecting lots of things, but not this.

"What should we do?" She asked, desperate for her friend's advice.

"Honestly, I don't know. It's so unexpected, and I don't think he realised what he said." Remus replied with honesty.

The two adults looked at the child admiring the pavilion. His hands were running over the table and chairs, desperate to take in all of the beauty.

"I suppose the best thing is to act like nothing special happened." Remus said, though it sounded more of a question. "We have more important and urgent things to worry about."

Evelyn nodded and made her way towards Harrison to tell him more about this enormous garden and its secrets.


"A Quidditch Pitch?! We've got a Quidditch pitch! This is amazing!"

Remus chuckled at the child's excitement. It made him think of James. How he missed his old friend. He missed him the most when it was the full moon. Not having the presence of his three best friends in cold nights like those, had been awful. His wolf felt the loss of the stag, dog and rat. The emptiness in his chest was what made him cry more than he ever had before. The first months after the deaths of the Potters had been horrible. When he lost the few moments of peace with Frank and Alice Longbottom too...

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