Chapter 2: Shouts, blushing and confusion

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9 June 1992

"Mister Lupin, Mrs. Black, to what do I owe the pleasure?" The headmaster said, a little bit nervous. He had an idea of why Evelyn Lightwood would be here, but he didn't expect Remus Lupin to accompany her.

"Professor Dumbledore, I think you know why we are here."

"Ah, Mrs. Black, I can only guess."

"We're here for one of your students, my godson, Harrison Potter. Remus was so kind to inform me about all the events that happened since I left England 10 years ago. I must say, I am surprised that you kept Remus from seeing Harrison. I'm certain you know how close he and James were at school. But that's the past, I'm not here to complain about what happened in the past, since that would take way too long. I'm here to ask you with whom Harrison is living."

"Mrs. Black, I think it's for Harry's benefit and safety if you didn't..."

"My apologies, headmaster. Wasn't I clear enough? I demand you to tell me where Harrison lives. As his godmother, I have every right to know where my godson lives. I care most dearly about Harrison's wellbeing and safety, but I will decide if it's best for him to stay with the family he is living with now, or if I want him to live with me. No matter what you say, headmaster, I will know where he lives and I will take custody over him. I'm not pleased with how things were done after Lily and James their deaths, and one of them is how you handled Harry's custody. You're already in trouble, headmaster. Don't make it worse for yourself. Don't make me take this matter to court—" Evelyn stopped talking when a door behind them opened.


"Ah, Severus, Minerva." Dumbledore was glad, Mrs. Black got interrupted. He might be the most powerful wizard alive, that woman could fright anyone when she's angry.

"Lightwood? You're still alive?" Snape said.

"Why, yes, it does seem like it. Now, if you'll excuse us, we were dealing with important matters."

"Mr. Lupin, Mrs. Black, how lovely to see you again." Professor McGonagall said, trying to keep the peace.

"Professor McGonagall." Remus and Evelyn greeted her.

"Professor, perhaps you could help me, since the headmaster doesn't want to tell me anything. Do you know where Harrison lives?" Evelyn immediately added, knowing very well the headmaster would not tell her anything.

"You want to take custody over him, don't you? Ah, well, I'm glad he'll be gone from that place. He's living with his aunt, uncle and cousin in Little Whinging in Surrey. If I recall correctly the name of the street was Privet Drive." She answered.

"Petunia? You put him with Petunia?! How dare you! You know, I wasn't going to go to court with this, but you've directly went against the will of his parents. You named yourself his magical guardian without informing anyone at the ministry and with that you thought you had the right to place a known magical child with muggles who detest magic? You have absolutely no ground to stand on. Lily and James knew there was a big chance they would die before Harrison became an adult. They listed numerous possible guardians in their will. The will that you should've read before naming yourself Harrisons magical guardian, the same will that states that under no circumstances should Harrison ever be placed in the custody of Petunia."

"Please, Mrs. Black, calm down. There's nothing to worry about, Harry is perfectly fine with his guardians." The distress was now visible in Dumbledore's eyes.

"That's another thing. Stop calling my godson Harry! You have no right to. For some reason everyone started calling him Harry, I don't know how that got in everyone's head. So, please refrain from calling him anything else than the name his parents gave him, unless he gave you explicit permission to call him Harry. And as soon as I have custody over him, you'll have to call him Harrison Potter-Black, so you better get used to it." She knew she shouldn't shout at a wizard like Dumbledore, but she also knew that this was the only way to get what she wanted. That is without having a trail, but she didn't want to have to force Harrison to go through all that trouble.

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