Chapter 19: His most trusted, deadly eyes and rings

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9th July 1992

"So, you're family has primacy over Malfoy's parents' marriage?"

"Yep." Harrison grabbed another cherry, watching Neville trying to process all the new information he'd just been given. This was why Harrison hadn't talked about this in great detail in his letters, he had wanted to see his best friend's face. Snickering softly at Neville's wide eyes when he realised a great detail, "So, so, that means—"

"I can make him do whatever I please, since Evelyn and Sirius let me pick his punishment for disrespecting me and all that."

"So, you can make him stop?"

"Stop doing what, Neville?" Harrison's voice shook a little as panic rose inside of him. Had Draco hurt Neville and he hadn't told him?

"Well, you know, stop bullying me, I mean, us?" He asked in a small voice.

"Oh, yes, yes, of course! Merlin, you had me there for a second, Nev. I thought he'd done something even worse when I was gone at Hogwarts." Pausing for a second, he added, "He didn't, right?"

Neville quickly shook his head. "It was mostly Ronald who was annoying, because he was mad at me for being your friend. Like I told you about the day after you left when he pushed me on the stairs, and—"

"Yes, yes, I understand. I just— Never mind. So, how's vacation been so far, Nev?"

"Oh, now I remember! Come with me, I want to show you something." Neville jumped to his feet, some grass that had been on his lap, falling on the ground again.

Grabbing two more cherries, Harrison quickly followed his friend. "Not so fast, Nev. We've got time."

Cheeks turning red from embarrassment, and running, Neville slowed down. "Well, we're here."

"Your greenhouse? Oh, you got new plants! Right, you told me about them. Uhm, wait a sec, I remember, it was uh, Fluxweed, Lovage, and Dittany, but you had that already, if I'm correct?" Receiving a nod from Neville, Harrison was very proud of remembering the names of these plants that he had no idea what on earth they could be used for. Luckily for him, he had a best friend who didn't mind explaining it to him every time he forgot. So, Neville began... and Harrison couldn't imagine feeling more at ease than right then, right there.


"I just don't like having to trust them with Harrison. Isn't there anything we can do to secure Harrison's position as our heir."

"He talked about wanting to be blood adopted by me as well, that will give him a more secured position as our son, not just as our godson. Though I thought we could do it as a birthday surprise."

"Oh, did he, did he specify why?" Sirius inquired, feeling a little insecure. He wasn't good enough for his pup on his own?

"He doesn't know you, Sirius. Don't think everything has got to with you doing something wrong." Evelyn reassured him.

He snapped, "Yeah, but it's clear as day that he hates me! I'm his godfather, I'm supposed to be as close to him as a father."

"Even I'm not as close to him as a mother, how could I? I only know him for a month, and with his upbringing..." Evelyn reasoned.

"If you could even call it that." Sirius murmured.

"Perhaps you should start talking to him about things he likes, not about what you like, or Lily and James."

"I tried! He just walks away or ignores me!"

"Then teach him." Sirius gave her a confused look, so she explained, "Teach him things he doesn't know yet and wants to know. The latter is very important, Sirius. Remus showed him some Quidditch moves, well, he tried to at least."

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