89| Learning To Fly

Start from the beginning

"I'm just worried about being alone with him overnight. I mean, before we were together we had sleepovers all the time and it didn't feel weird but now.... It's different." Zoey explained honestly.

"Have you talked to Shawn about this?" Aunt Maggie asked.

Zoey shook her head. "No."

"Then maybe you should." Aunt Maggie insisted with a tight smile. "The best way to resolve any problem in the human world is for all sides to sit down and talk."

Aunt Maggie always spoke the truth. That is why Zoey had a love/hate relationship with her. She spoke her mind.

"Okay." Zoey muttered, nodding her head slowly.

"Do you mind if I ask what... you want to do now?" Aunt Maggie questioned.

And here comes the question. Zoey knew her Aunt will ask sooner or later. She will want to help mend her problem if she could. Zoey couldn't blame her. She is the women of the house.

Zoey sighed. "I guess, I'll talk to him when he comes back from Beach State."

"You know, I may not be your mother but I take you as a daughter. I'm proud of you Zoey and it is the truth." Aunt Maggie said proudly.

"I'm very grateful Aunt. Thanks." Zoey responded appreciatively.

"It's okay." Aunt Maggie smiled. She stood up and returned the chair back to its position. She came to stand in Zoey's front and pattered her shoulders. "Good night, dear."

"Good night." Zoey said.

And Aunt Maggie left the room closing the door behind her.


When the weekend finished, Shawn, Cory, and Eric returned from Beach State. While Shawn was over at the college, he had found out that Zoey was lying and wanted to confront her about it.

At Aunt Maggie's house, Zoey and Shawn sat on the couch in silence.

"You lied to me." Shawn spoke up first.

"You're right. I did. I was just worried about being alone with you overnight." Zoey admitted.

"Then you should've told me that, okay? If you didn't trust me, Zoey, you should've told me." Shawn said softly, reaching out and pulled a strand of her hair behind her ear. "And you can also tell me... When did you ever say no to me that I didn't listen? When did you ever worry about being alone with me?"

"Never, Shawn. I was worried about me. I was worried about what I might do alone with you... and the beach and the moon. I know I'm not ready yet." Zoey explained, fumbling nervously with her fingers.

Shawn smiled gently. "Listen, I know things are going to happen between us when they're supposed to happen... and I'll wait until they do."

Zoey raised her eyebrows. "Yeah? How do you know?"

"Well, I just know that the best things in life are worth waiting for." Shawn replied with a smirk.

"Yeah. I feel that same way about you, Shawn." Zoey responded. She leaned down and cuddled into Shawn's chest. "You know, you're a very sexy boy."

Shawn smirked. "Really? 'm a sexy boy? Thanks. Can't wait to tell Cory."


Later in the day, everyone stood in the Matthew's kitchen where Eric had called them. Eric had decided he wanted to go to a real college. He had blown off his only interview for fear of rejection. But a few days ago he went to do everything possible to get another interview and hopefully a seat at the university .

"Well, here it is - my letter from Pennbrook." Eric informed, letting out a nervous breath before shoving the letter towards Zoey. "I can't, I can't. Here, you do it."

Zoey quickly ripped the envelope and began reading the letter. "Ooh. Oh, boy, this is bad."

Eric's eyes widen. "What? What, what, what?"

"Now, Eric, that Dean Bolander is a tough cookie." Mr. Feeny said, trying to comfort him.

Eric's eyebrows furrowed. "How do you know her?"

"She's been after me for years." Mr. Feeny simply answered.

"Ooh, this just keeps getting worse." Shawn breathed out as he looked at the letter.

"Just tell me!" Eric demanded desperately.

Cory sighed. "Okay, okay. First of all, they're charging an arm and a leg."

Topanga scoffed. "And they want you there, like, a week before Labor Day for some kind or orientation deal."

It took Eric a moment to process the information.

"I'm in?" Eric asked, and Zoey proudly nodded. "I'm in! I'm in! Yeah!"

Eric began jumping up and down in excitement as everyone gave him a hug.

Mr. Feeny smiled warmly. "Job well done!"

"Well, it's what I do." Mr. Feeny replied, shrugging his shoulders like he hadn't played a major role in all of this.

PUBLISHED; September 5, 2018
WORDS: 1354

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