33. Plan of Action

Start from the beginning

Six years ago, my team and I were handed a mission, take out the biggest gang at the time and get out of there. Once we did take them down, we were offered two different missions, stay undercover, and keep he violence and drug cartels at a minimum or travel to Japan to take down the 'Yakuza'. We already had a growing name; we chose to stay."

"Why didn't you tell me? I felt awful and the guilt was eating me alive when I was lying to you. Did you feel any of that?" the tears finally spilled over, burning down my cheeks as the fell.

"Chae, baby, it absolutely killed me inside. I hated myself for pulling you into this, for falling in love with you and not telling you anything. I wanted to, I really did, but I didn't want to repeat history." He stepped up to me, placing his hands on my arms, squeezing them every now and then as he spoke.

"Repeat history? What happened in the past?" His red liquorice scent fanned against my face as he let out a long sigh.

"Four years ago, there was this girl, she was getting harassed by some drunk dudes in alleyway. I stepped in and beat the two guys to a pulp, instead of thanking me, the girl shoved me and told me she could handle herself. Her name was Taeyeon, she was hard-headed and wouldn't leave me the hell alone. I told her everything about me, which only made her a target. She was killed because of me, and I couldn't save her."

"Baekhyun, I'm so sorry." I used my thumb to wipe away a stray tear that slide down his cheek.

"I couldn't tell you because I don't know what I would do if you ended up dead because of me. I wanted to get you out of this life, where you could be happy and thrive. You deserve a life worth living and you deserve the world."

"Baek, I want a life with you. I want to spend the rest of my life waking up next to you, making you smile, cooking you breakfast and be there for you. You don't get to have a say in what's best for me, only I can decide that."

It was true, I am the only person who can decides what is best for me. I want nothing more than to spend every day of my life with this man standing in front of me, being open and vulnerable. He broke my trust, he shattered my heart, I love this man with everything that I have, so where do we go from here?

"I'm so sorry, Bambi." He pulled me closer to him, wrapping his muscular arms around my shoulders, using one hand to hold and stroke my hair as he pressed my face into his chest. "I love you so much and I don't want to lose you."

I wrap my arms around his waist, letting my tears soak into his shirt, my rapid heartbeat beating against his chest, that I'm sure he can feel. "I wish you told me sooner, but I'm thankful that you opened up to me and told me everything."

"I will do anything to make you trust me again, I can't do this without you." I pulled away from the hug, giving a bit of space between us.

"Let's start from the beginning, no more secrets, no more lies. Just us."

"My name is Byun Baekhyun, and I work as an undercover agent. I'm also 29." He extends his out for a handshake.

"Eun Chaeyeong." He smiles as I use my old name. "I'm 24 and a bartender."

"We better get back in there before Taeyong skins me alive for keeping you out here too long."

The burning flame that was recently snubbed out, had blazed to glory again, his eyes were now filled with celestials once more. Galaxies and shooting stars swirled them as he smiled, the colour returning to his face slightly.

We both walked back inside, bowing in apologies to Jaehyun for taking a while. I find my sit next to Haechan, he gives me a questioning thumbs up, to which I smile back and nod my head. Junmyeon and Kyungsoo had already found their seats around the room, offering small smiles to me. Baekhyun took his seat on the armrest of the couch that Haechan and I were sitting on.

"Right, let's get down to business-" Jaehyun was once again interrupted, this time by a loud mouth with a bright pink mullet.

"Nobody panic, I am here!" he exclaimed as he sauntered into the room, flipping himself over the couch to sit in between Haechan and myself, pushing me further into Baekhyun.

"If I get interrupted one more time, I will sew everyone's mouth shut, starting with you, Mark." We all quieten down at the warning tone of the dimple boy in front of us. "Right, now, I know we do business differently to our special agent counterparts. So, instead of running in guns blazing and taking out the ring leader straight away, we need substantial evidence."

Jaehyun stops talking and gestures over to Baekhyun, to which he stands up from his position to address everyone in the room. "We need evidence to bring to our higher ups, so they can approve our plans. It's an arrest mission, not a termination mission."

"We have eyewitness accounts and a tape recording of plans being made. However, Mark and Taeyong are on the record, which become incriminating for them. We'd like to keep them out of this as much as possible." Junmyeon finishes for Baekhyun to which I smile at.

Taeyong and Mark have done horrible things in the past being apart of Lee gang, now they want to make a change. I'm happy and proud that they are allowing them to have a second chance at life, they are joining another gang, but this one is a little different.

"I can talk to Taemin, get him to change sides." I start. "I'm close with him, I'm positive that I can talk some sense into him. He didn't look too comfortable when he with boss at the club that on night anyways ."

"If he can make the transaction visible while making it look like an accident, then we can give him immunity for helping us. That way he wouldn't be in any trouble." Junmyeon reassures me.

"You're going to need more, maybe a full confession will put him away for good. Then there's nothing that they can dispute in court." Mark speaks up, shocking everyone with actual sense that came from his mouth.

"You'll need video proof as well, that way his face is on it." Taeyong speaks up, having both of them here gives us more insight on how to handle Dohwa.

"I can get it." It was pin drop silence as I offer to walk back into the lion's den. Baekhyun and Taeyong both looking at me with concern on their faces. "Dohwa loves to gloat and rub stuff in my face because I give him a reaction. He won't realise that he's confessed until it's too late."

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Baekhyun's voice was laced with concern and worry as he asked me.

"I've done it before, plus he's not going to suspect me. He thinks he's successfully teared us apart, he's going to think that I'm being too emotional. If I act like I'm on his side, it might be easier."

"How are you going to convince him that you're against 'Exo'?" Johnny asks from across the room.

"I'll start with Ten."

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