"I will try."

"Good, now I'll see you soon. Night Boo."

"Good night Di."

I hung up from Diamonte before I heard something at the door. It was hard bump and then some weird scratching noise. Figuring it was just another bobcat, I pulled up my camera to take a picture of it through the window. At the door, I carefully pushed the curtain back on the side pane and saw some tall figure in black. I froze. I got instant flashbacks from Shadow and felt sick to my stomach. The figure saw me and quickly ran off to the blacked out Chevy Tahoe along with another small figure that was hiding behind a bush.

I staggered back and as quick as I could I went back upstairs. Luckily for me, Mommy was up walking in the hall.

"I was looking for you Baby. What's wrong?"

"We...have to...get Daddy."

"Okay Baby, just stand right here and I'll go her."

Mommy ran back to the room and I gripped my stomach that was churning. My nerves were shot and I was shaking so hard it was making me sick. Daddy and Mommy soon came in the hall followed by Mama. We went back downstairs and I pointed to door as I covered my mouth and ran to the bathroom. Mommy came behind me and sat with me in the bathroom until I wasn't sick anymore just rubbing my back the whole time and making sure I didn't pass out or something. Mommy helped me brush my teeth and walked with me back to the living room. Daddy came over and hugged me and told me that it was okay and that the person was trying to hack our security cameras through the camera doorbell and had stolen a part off of Daddy's truck that was worth money.

I couldn't help but cry feeling bad that all happened. The police and Aunty Mel came and soon it was six in the morning and the sun was coming up. I was sitting in Aunty Mel's lap as Mommy, Daddy, and Mama talked in another room for a moment.

"Aunty Mel, Can I stay with you for a while?"

"Why Tink?"

"So they wont get hurt."

"They won't Tink, it's okay. It's not your fault people are crazy. Apparently two other's neighbors had the same part taken off their cars as well. So, just don't even think on it. Relax, okay? You need to sleep, your eyes are so red."

I sigh as everyone came back in and Daddy kneeled in front of me. She rubbed my knee and spoke quietly.

"Baby, you've been up all night and you need to sleep. It's going to be okay and we scheduled your time with Ari and 'Mani for dinner time. It worked out better for them too since apparently 'Mani couldn't sleep last night either."

I nod feeling myself crashing.

"So, we're all going to go to bed okay and have a late breakfast when we get up."

"Go to bed Tink, I'll be here when you wake up okay?"

I nod getting up from Aunty Mel's lap. Mommy wrapped her arm around me and walked me to my bedroom. I went to the bathroom and got into bed. Mommy joined me after closing the curtains to block out the light. She put on my starlight projection and the water sound before joining me. Cuddled up in bed, Mommy rubbed my back and had me do the deep breathing exercises she taught me. Soon, I could barely keep my eyes open and Mommy latching me on, put me to sleep.


Rob's POV:

After checking on Nika and Bey who was sleeping in her room, I closed her door and checked on Suga who was curled up in our bed asleep. I went back down and saw Mel sleep in one of the guest rooms and felt a little better. The police wasn't sure it was Coi but I had a feeling it wasn't especially since the other neighbors had the same thing happen plus Coi came earlier so doubling back wouldn't make sense.

4 in the Bed (Beyonce,Nicki,Rihanna, and Megan) DDLG / MDLGWhere stories live. Discover now