40. Family Friend

Start from the beginning

“Avalon! Shit! Are you okay?” I sat up and rubbed the back of my head. I was laying on his bed and had a wet cloth on my forehead. Mike sat on a chair next to me, panicking about me.

“Mike! I had the strangest dream! I saw you kissing and dancing with Antonio. You know? Manuel’s younger brother.” Right as I said that, in walked the man of the hour.

“Mike! How is she? I made tea!” Both Antonio and I looked at each.

“It wasn’t a dream…” I muttered to myself. Antonio stood there with a tray of tea while Mike was observing what I was going to do. 

“Avalon… let us explain-” Mike tried saying before I slapped him.

“What the hell, Mike!? What’s wrong with you?! You date, out of all people, HIM?!” I signaled to Antonio who had put the tray down on a shelf. 

“Avalon. Please, just give me a minute-”

“A minute to what?! Explain that you’ve been sucking it up with a dude! A fucking Saint?! And here I thought you had a girlfriend! No, you have a fucking boyfriend!” I yelled at Mike.

“Can I please explain, Avalon?” Mike said. Once I was done seething, I calmed down and sat, waiting for him.

“Please do. Start off when this happened.” I said.

“It was on the race day. I saw Ant there and fell for him.” He looked at Antonio. Yup, there’s something between them. I know that look because I see my parents giving it to each other all the time.

“Just like that?! Not even a date?! You just knew he was the one!?” 

“Yeah. Exactly. It’s just one of those things, ya’know.” Mike got up and gave Antonio a side hug and clutched him close. 

“Wait? Are you two actually in love? Like, dating?” I began laughing. There’s no way they’re actually together! That’s insane. It’s suicide! When I saw the two of them not laughing. It was all catching up to me now. “No. Way. NO WAY! You can’t be dating! WHY, MIKE?! WHY?!” I yelled.

“I can’t choose who I fall in love with, Avalon. You have to understand!” Mike said. I stared at the two, giving a lop-sided look. This is bad. I knew something was up. Just didn’t know it was THIS BAD.

“This is bad, Mike. Very very very bad! Do you understand the consequences of this?! No, you don’t! Imagine the war that would ensue if people found out?! Are you two willing to get blood on your hands just for a relationship?!!” I yelled. Then Mike said something that shocked me.

“Yes. I’m willing to do whatever to be with him.” He said. Antonio stood there the entire time just red-faced. He couldn't look at me. He either looked at the floor at at Mike.

“I can’t believe you, Mike! What the hell has gotten into you?!” I asked.

“I fell in love, Ava. That’s what happened. Just promise me you won’t tell anyone. Especially Jack. Please, Ava.” He pleaded.

“Mike. I can’t do that! I have to tell Jack! He needs to know that you’re sleeping with the enemy.” I started to get off the bed and make my way to the exit until Mike blocked the door.

“Please Ava. Do this for me. We’ve been friends for a long time! I never ask for anything. I was there for you when Delilah pushed you down the slide. I was there when John put gum in your hair. And I was there when your parents were fighting and we had a sleepover with your little sister.” Mike said. He recalled all those past memories that did indeed show that he was there for me. 

Now my mind was in a conflict. On the one hand, I can tell Jack so this doesn’t last any longer and cause a firestorm. People need to know about this because it’s unacceptable. But on the other, I’ve never seen Mike so in love. Antonio really has this man in a chokehold. And Mike was there for me several times and never asked for anything back.

Keeping his secret is the least I can do.

“Fine! I won’t tell anyone.” Mike thanked me and gave me a tight hug. “But I also won’t deny it if anyone gets suspicious. Got that!” I said.

“Yes! Yes! Got it! Oh, thank you, Ava!” He hugged me again. I turned to Antonio, who, during this whole time, has been watching us. “And you!” I pointed to him. He jumped back. “Don’t do anything stupid! That goes for both of you!”

“Yes, Avalon. I understand!” Antonio said. Now that I see it, he is really adorable. I can totally see why Mike fell in love with him.

“Oh, by the way. Mike. You’re wanted at Jack’s. Are you going or…” I looked at both of them. “...do you have other stuff to do?” I asked.

“Uhh, I’ll be there soon.” Mike said, blushing hard.

“Mmhmm. Alright. Well. I’ll be leaving now. At least wait two minutes before doing anything. Kay?”

“Yeah. 2 minutes.” Mike responded.

“Alright. Bye! I hope to never see you two in the same room together.” I said. I left the room and made my way to the exit. 

Well, that was an interesting visit. Never pegged Mike to be gay. Antonio… well, kinda. There’s rumors of him. Some guy even tried to say that he caught Antonio giving a guy a blowjob. But no one believed him. I didn’t. At first. Now I’m wondering if that was Mike.

We all really are blind to what's happening under our noses.


if you've made it this face... congrats! we are now halfway done with this story (i warned y'all it would be long).

bye! i'm taking a week break from this story!


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