Chapter one: A new Faction. (Revised)

Start from the beginning

Doberman: Thank you Tchanka, but lets continue.

M/n: *Ahem*, When we had Silverash ask them why this is, the room went quiet, and one person spoke, and I Quote "we must never interfere with what they do, unless we want to be annihilated, we have sent several expeditionary forces, and none have returned. only one man came back, and it was to relay the message to not step foot into their territory". When Silverash asked them what they meant, an Ursus General Showed him a video of Emperor's Blades being slaughtered by what appear to be giants in blue armor, while they also had some Aliens within their ranks that we know are also within the Banished, at first we suspected it was them, but it wouldn't make sense why Banished forces avoid the area, or why the Banished haven't invaded Ursus from there yet, so we believe there is a new faction, and by new I mean a faction that has yet to make contact with us, but know the Banished, monsters, and even the Sirens and Ursus itself.

Queen Elizabeth: Wouldn't that possibly mean that this new faction has even more advanced technology than the Banished and Sirens?

Kalsit: Its a possibility that we can't rule out, so we need to be careful, but. . .

Noire Corn: But what?

Kalsit: There have been reports of escaped slaves and infected going up there, those Ursine expeditionary forces were to recover and or execute them, but Look at the video closer. . .

Kalsit then zooms in on the Big screen, and low and behold, the unknown faction was Defending the escapees, possibly escorting them to safety.

Enterprise: Is that?

Kalsit: yes, the unknown faction appears to be defending the escapees, so they may likely to be friendly, we should still be cautious though, they might mistake us for Ursus. 

M/n: I want everyone to get Ready, Now. Have the Rest of Rhodes and Azur Lane on standby, or patrolling, in case something happens. The Banished and 'Monsters' (referring to tyrranids) have taken so much from us, so now its time to find what they fear.

2 week timeskip and elsewhere

Y/n's POV

I am currently on Board of my Battle-Barge, Revenant,  on the Bridge, with the Reaver, Mordred's second ship (Mordred is a Kansen too, happened during the year timeskip, you made a wisdom cube, and fused her to a dreadnaught, Defiance of Will and the Battle-Barge Reaver), and our Battlegroup around it.

An Ultramarines Captain and two lieutenants approached me and kneeled. It was Mikael Fabian, Captain of the Ultramarines 3rd company, and two of the 3rd company's lieutenants. 

(Mikael and his Lieutenants)

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(Mikael and his Lieutenants)

Mikael: My Lord.

Y/n: Rise Mikael, how many times have I told people in this Battle Group to stop kneeling and bowing? It's just weird to me.

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