Jack Frost Has Entered the Building

Start from the beginning

"Sure I will be waiting at the end of the hall."

Jack pulled out his phone and as quickly as his fingers would like him he texted Zie to let her know that he was back.

Im back and meeting with the principle as we speak.

(Sent to Zie(BFF))

Jack turned his phone on silent and followed the principal into his office. At least now, she wouldn't yell at him as bad.

** ** **

Merida had received all sorts of compliments throughout the day but the only one that had mattered to her was the one Cole had gave her this morning when he called her an Angel in the cheesiest way possible. It still made her blush when she thought about it. The only downside to her outfit and makeup was that she had to miss working in the woodshop because she wasn't wearing the right clothes so she sat in Mr. Modo's art room and sketched her next wood project until the first bell rang.

She hadn't said anything about Cole returning today but the rumor was already hot that he was back and meeting with the principal. Everyone speculated about what they were talking about. Some said he was getting expelled for sure and wanted to catch a glimpse of him as he walked out the doors. Others wanted to know if he was going to blame Hans for what happened and see if they got in another fight.

By the time, first period ended there was a horde of students casually standing around gossiping and waiting to catch a glimpse of the student who had stood up to Hans.

Merida wasn't about to back down from a crowd, she was still self conscious about how she looked but Cole was too important to her now for her to let him down. She looked at her reflection in one of the display cases around the corner to fix her hair and make sure that she still looked presentable. She straightened her skirt, squared her shoulders, and walked around the corner to walk through the crowd of students to get to the office.

She heard whispers of gossip all around her as she made her way to the office without batting an eye.

"Who is that?"

"She is pretty where is she going?"

"Why is she going to the office is she in trouble?"

"Is that Cole's Girlfriend?"

"It isn't Zie that is for sure."

"Is that Merida?"

"No it can't be she would never wear a skirt."

"But look at that hair it has to be her."

"You might be right but I have never seen her with make up before."

"Does she even know Cole?"

"I think they have a class together but I don't remember which one."

Merida tried her best to keep her emotions in check while she pushed through the students and walked up the small set of stairs that led to the offices.

Once in the office she heard the laughter of two men down the hallway. She was surprised to see Cole laughing with principal Pendragon.

"Thank you Arthur." Cole said.

"Any time Jack, we will see you around." The Principal shook Cole's hand before leaving him with Merida.

"What was that all about?" Merida asked confused.

"We can call it an alliance or something like that, Enemy of my enemy and whatnot." Jack smiled.

"Ya but-" Merida was still dumbfounded.

"Are you ready for me to walk you to class?" Jack asked.

"Ya but there is a horde of students out there."

"How hordish?" Jack asked screwing his face.

"Like they are ready to throw you to the lions 'hordish'" she responded.

Jack looked like he was thinking, "Ok I have had worse odds but usually they didn't see me coming."

"What are you talking about?"

"Never mind, I have a plan. Just do exactly as I say and hopefully there are no sharks."

"Are you sure?"

"Trust me." He winked.

The look he gave her when he said those words, well let's just say she'd follow him to hell and back. "ok." She said taking the hand that he offered.

** ** **

All eyes turned when the door to the Principals opened out into the hallway and a silence fell over the crowd that was deafening.

A beautiful redhead stepped out of the office, she was seen going in there but nobody could have guessed that such a beautiful girl would be going in there for Cole. Yet someone who wore his face strode out of the office with her by the hand, walking with enough confidence and regality the need to bow fill the room, which only froze them all the more. Yet the man wearing Cole's face was just as awe inspiring as the immaculate lady in his arm.

Nobody had really had a good look at Cole's face to begin with, since he always had his long black hair covering it. Yet this Cole had short white hair that only touched his face. He was wearing a white dress shirt that left the top button undone and only came brushed the top of his belt buckle. Over that was a light blue hoodie that was zipped up enough to accent his V shape, usually hidden by the loose clothes he used to wear. Over the hoodie, was a navy blazer that tailored perfectly to his shape with the sleeves scrunched up ever so slightly to let his toned arms breathe. It also complemented the hoodie and emphasized his slim V shape in a way that made the girls in crowd mouths water. His pale fitted jeans added to his outfit finished with a pair of white low-cut converse.

Even more than the clothes he was wearing, was the attitude and confidence with which he wore them. His head held high, his shoulders straight, and his chest puffed out just enough to say the confidence he was wearing wasn't just for show. He ran his fingers through his shaggy white hair and action that spoke novels about how he was new and improved.

Jack was pleased with the visible reaction from the crowd and as he went to walk through them, they parted to let him pass as he led Merida through them gentlemanly by the arm.

Jack Frost had officially entered the building, and now the entire school knew it.

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