Chapter 30 - focus Finn, it is time

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21 June 2030

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21 June 2030

I woke up feeling energetic and mostly peaceful. I knew deep down that everything would be all right today. Raven had given me something yesterday that I should give to John. It would help him to fight Bianca's spells. I chuckled thinking off Raven, soon she should teach me stuff instead of the other way. Since I am 10 years old, I knew that I was a witch and practiced it, but she was already better even though she never practiced. She is a natural and will be a great witch in the future.

Taking my time, I took a relaxing shower. At 10am the show was starting, the only thing I needed to do is find John before that. Dressing in an all-black suit I walked out my room, to where I thought I would find John. He was hiding in the greenhouse, also dressed all in black, his hair pulled together in a bun. I whistled at him "you look hot John."

"You too Jerome." He smirked back "maybe we need to run away together?"

"I thought you never would ask me." We smirked at each other.

"Did you need me for something?" he asked more serious.

"Yes, I have something for you. It will help you against her commands."

"So, after I take it, I need to act like she controls me?"


"Thanks. How much time I have left?" He asked

"Just over 45 minutes. Do you want to be alone for a moment?"

"Yes, please."

"Okay, I will tell them that you went for a walk."

He turned back to me "thanks Jerome, for everything you have done."

"No need to thank me, you are my friend."

I closed the door behind me and sent a quick text to Flo. "Are you ready?"

"Yes, on our way. We will be on time. Have you heard from Connor?"

"Not yet."

"Our scouts left 2 hours ago. No movement for now."

"Okay, let me know if it change."

"Will do."


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