Chapter 24 - I protect mate

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I walked out the office, I was confused about what I was feeling

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I walked out the office, I was confused about what I was feeling. Was I jealous seeing how Flo here face lighted up when she answered John his call? No, of course not. I rolled my eyes at that thought, but when I think about it, I need to be honest and admit that yes, I was jealous. Why am I feeling this? Is it just because I know that she was my mate?

"Christopher, wait!" Grandma June yelled.

I stopped and waited for her to catch up with me. She wrapped her hand around my biceps and tugged a little bit to catch my attention. "I am really sorry Chris."

"It's not your fault grandma."

"I shouldn't have interfered. If I hadn't you wouldn't have lost her."

"Maybe, we don't know for sure. Maybe they would have killed her and our child. If that would have happened, I would have lost more than now, because then I would know how it would be to be loved by her. Now I don't know."

"That's true love, but then you wouldn't feel this regret."

"It will pass. Anyway, let's go visit Raven and Xander."

She looked at me like she wanted to say something else. Looking into my eyes she smiled softly and nodded her head.

In the end we did a detour because grandma wanted to say hi to one of the pregnant, she-wolfs. When we finally arrived at Xander and Ravens house Jerome was already here.

"I have already explained them everything." Jerome said as soon as we entered. "So Xander and Raven this is my grandma June and this is Christopher." Jerome introduced us.

I shook Xander's hand and then Ravens hand, but she gasped and narrowed her eyes at me but didn't say anything.

Her face scrunched in disappointment, and she clenched her hands in fist next to her body. Xander wrapped himself around her so that she calmed down.

"What have you seen Raven?" Grandma asked her.

"To much. I understand why Flo rejected you."

"Raven what did you see?" Jerome asked more urgent.

"I saw snapshots of the past few years. I saw him grieving the death of his parents. Next the spell that you put on him." She pointed to grandma. "And then some off his finest moment with Flo."

"So, you can see the past." Grandma said.

"I have always been able to see it. When I was younger and talked about them to my parents, they brushed it off. But I knew that it was something special. I may have used it sometimes to find out things."

"What things?" I asked her.

"The existence of all this. It doesn't work with everyone but some people I touch, I see things."

"Is it only the past that you, see?" grandma asked

"Uh... no. When Xander pulled me out of the car that night I saw our future. Or at least a part of it."

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