Chapter 25 - are they friends now

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2 weeks passed since our meeting about what Flo found out

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2 weeks passed since our meeting about what Flo found out. I know that Flo often called with John, but she told me last night that he was 'lost' more and more. She was worried, he told her more and more things he had already told her.

Flo talked about Chris or Christopher with me. I couldn't believe what she told me what his grandma had done to him. Now I understand more why he acted the way he did. Flo had given me last night his phone number, but I hadn't found the courage to call him.

We were in close contact with the Crescent Moon pack. Jerome let us know what his grandma June had said 'war is coming, she needs to be crowned Queen. It's the only way.'
We all hate that idea, but if a powerful witch tells us that's it is the only way....

So, we let her, and John do, but we kept a close eye on both off them. The night before yesterday he announced for the whole pack that Bianca was his chosen mate and that she would be crowned as his Luna and Queen on the 21the of June. Invitations to all the packs were already sent out by Bianca herself. I was in close contact with Alpha Eric, Alpha Jayden, and Alpha Benjamin, we were going through all the pack to see who we could trust. We have no idea how far this extends. Training has been increased, but only when Bianca is away. Flo had told me how they train at the Crescent Moon pack and after I talked with Rose, she and Mason started to train with the children to. We are not going to use them during war but at least they will not be defenceless. Mason, Rose, Keith, and Chris started to train hard with everyone above the age of 16 year. We need to be ready.

Today Keith and I were meeting with Connor, while Nick was with Bianca and John.

Connor's wolf came running towards me and he shifted. When he had pulled on some pants, he took a seat. "You look like shit Connor." Keith stated, and he wasn't wrong. Dark bags under his eyes, his eyes were dull. It looks like he lost some weight. "I don't know, it's not like I looked into the mirror before I came to see you." He snarled back.

"Hey man, sorry" Keith held his hands up in surrender.

He slumped down "she doesn't even acknowledge me." He sighed and shook his head.

"I am sorry Connor; I know how that feels. You must look at it positively, she hasn't rejected you." I told him.

"Yet!" he growled.

"Maybe she does it to protect you?" Keith offered.

He shrugged and took a huge breath "anyway, I have good news."

"You have?"

"Yep, I am promoted." He said with a grin on his face.

"And why is that good news?" Keith asked.

"I am now responsible to bring the witch her food 3 times a day!" He said with a proud smile.

"That's great, did you find out something?"

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