Chapter 5 - ah, now you want her

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I looked behind me to find Finn and the duke

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I looked behind me to find Finn and the duke. Finn was smiling at us, the duke scowling. I stood up. "David, please meet Gamma Finn and the duke."

"Hi David, nice to meet you." Finn squatted down and held out his hand. David hesitated and looked back at me. I smiled encouragingly at him, and he placed his little hand in Finn's hand. My mate stayed but didn't say anything. He didn't even greet David.

David took my hand and pulled me with him toward the orphanage. Finn walked beside us and asked me what I had done today. I told him that I stayed with Grace and April, and that I brought the twins to school and how I ended up staying at the school to help.

Arriving at the orphanage David pulled me in and showed me his room. It was miserable, those kids already lost their parents and then they got this. I couldn't understand this. Saying goodbye to the children we left.

"You look disappointment Flo?" Finn asked.

"That's because I am. Those children deserve better than that."

"What would you do?"

"Painting their rooms, give them proper beds. Better food..." I sighed.

"That cost too much." the duke growled next to me.

"Cost too much?" I snapped back at him.

"Yes, are you deaf?"

"You need to look better at you finance. Our cut out the expensive dinners every night at the castle." I scoffed back at him.

He wrapped his hand around my biceps and squeezed hard. I felt the sparks between us, and my body hummed at the contact, but he was also hurting me "DO not touch me!" I roared.

He blinked, and Finn struggled with my command. "Now your place, slut!" he roared back.

I fought his command and hissed back "we all know which one of us is the real slut!" I pulled my arm free and walked away.

I helped in the kitchen preparing dinner and told Julia about the orphanage. "Then you need to do something about it honey."

"I will, but I don't know yet how."

After dinner I walked towards Beta James's office. I knocked and waited till he yelled back "come in Flo!"

Entering he asked me "what can I do for you Flo?"

"I wanted to thank you for your help yesterday."

"Don't mention it, Flo. I'm glad that I was there to help."

I smiled at him, and my eyes fell on the many files on his desk "need help with those?" I asked him looking at the files.


"I helped my Alpha at home, especially with his finances."

"Oh yes please. All the yellow folders are about the finances."

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