The Finale

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"Jeongyeon! Jeongyeon! What happened!" Nayeon yelled as Jeongyeon came running in holding on to Tzuyu. Tzuyu was groaning in pain holding her stabbed stomach.
Momo took Tzuyu from Jeongyeon and lied her on the couch.
Jeongyeon was out of breath but explained, "We got there too late. Mina stabbed Tzuyu. She was about to finish her off but I took her. Chaeyoung said she could handle Mina and I couldn't let Tzuyu die....I'm sorry."
Nayeon sighed in frustration. Chaeyoung was now alone with the traitor. Last time this was the case, Chaeyoung stabbed herself to save Mina.
"I put part of my suite on Tzuyu, but she might need more." Jeongyeon said coming towards crowded Tzuyu.
The sudden fear caused Jihyo to cry. She wouldn't even express her fear in words anymore. She just cried because she was only two years old now. Time was running out. At the same time Dahyun was also struggling. Nayeon didn't know how long she could stay alive. She looked up seeing everyone occupied. She had to go and help Mina and Chaeyoung. So secretly, while no one was looking, she backed out of the room.
"Shhhh." Sana soothed baby Jihyo, "it's ok."
Momo put more cloth on Tzuyu wound, "is this ok, Tzu?"
"Yes. I'm okay. It wasn't too deep." Tzuyu insisted, even so she wasn't in a good condition, "I'm sorry, Momo."
"For what?" Momo questioned.
"For trying to stab you. I remember now." Tzuyu croaked.
Momo smiled, "I forgive you. Plus it wasn't even your fault. Nayeon figured out how to get out and we're all gonna be safe very soon."
"She figured it out!" Jeongyeon exclaimed learning this new news.
"Yeah! She figured out we needed to go to the room she and Jihyo discovered with the messages in it, and she also figured out...." Momo stopped realizing what else she remembered.
Sana butted in, "Mars is the real traitor. Not Mina. He is the one who put us through this hell. He is the one who is the traitor."
They all looked around finally realizing the obvious.
"Wait....where is Nayeon?" Momo questioned .
"Shoot." Jeongyeon flashed a look out the door, she was no where to be seen, "she surely went to go help Chaeyoung and Mina. She's just going to make it worse!"
"You need to go Jeongyeon." Sana inquired, "go get them and bring them back so we all go together. We don't have much time."
Jeongyeon sighed, "why me? Why can't Momo go? It's Nayeon we're talking about."
"I know." Sana stated, "that's exactly why it has to be you. Just go please."
Jeongyeon looked at dying Dahyun. At any moment she could die. Same with baby Jihyo. She was getting younger by the second, "fine." Jeongyeon said, "I'll go."

Jeongyeon ran her fastest but her running seemed to slow along the way, "Nayeon!" She called out. She felt pain in calling out her name. She knew she had to tell Nayeon sooner or later. She loved Nayeon. But just how could she forgive her.
Jeongyeon was getting closer to the room but just then a blue flashed into her eyes. She came to a complete stop, "no...." Jeongyeon whispered. A bright blue spot caught her attention. Jeongyeon was getting poisoned. Jeongyeon wanted to run away, she wanted to stab herself before she could cause any further damage, but she was trapped.
She fought trying to stay away but her body got closer.
"I'm sorry." She mumbled before the poison took over her.
Her eyes turned fully blue as she groaned..."Nayeon.....I'm gonna kill you..."

*With Chaeyoung and Mina*

"You know...I was ok with letting them get away," said the evil Mina, "your the one I wanted to kill the most, anyways."
Everything about this moment seemed familiar to Chaeyoung. The room, the knife in Mina's hands, the fact that she was pacing around Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung finally remembered what she did. How she stopped Mina. She knew what to do.
"Is that so." Chaeyoung said, "why me, Mina."
Mina smirked coming closer to Chaeyoung. She brushed the knife against Chaeyoung's cheek, "because it's you she cared for the most."
"How do you know that?" Chae asked.
Mina rolled her eyes, "cause she fought so freakin hard to keep me inside. Of course she couldn't win in the end, but especially when she was around you it was harder for me to take over. You were obviously special to her...." She held onto Chaeyoung's hand, "but can't you see....I'm not the traitor....I'm just Mina's evil self...there's and evil you inside you too, and Nayeon and Tzuyu and Jeongyeon....all of you...."
Chaeyoung breathed calmly, "this isn't you. The real Mina is still fighting inside of you."
Mina laughed, "Mina....your Mina...she's dead."
"Show me then." Chaeyoung said confidently, "show me that she's dead." She pointed to the knife, "you will stab me. But before I will try to speak to the real Mina."
She laughed, "fine. You can try...but I assure you...she's dead."
Chaeyoung then came and hugged Mina, which took her by surprise.
"What are you doing?" Evil Mina questioned.
"Mina I know your in there. You remember what happens here don't you. I need you to save me. Please, Mina....." she leaned her head on Mina's shoulder wrapping her arms tightly around her, "I'll hug you so tightly that you'll have an evil person take over you again."
              "Get off me." Mina ordered. Chaeyoung quickly obliged.
               "Now stab me." Chaeyoung said keeping close to Mina, "stab me. Kill me. End my life forever."
               Mina put the sharp knife against Chaeyoung's stomach, but she was hesitating.
               Mina began to twitch, "she's fighting back."
               "Don't listen! Just stab me!" Chaeyoung yelled, "Stab me or I'll do it myself!"
               Mina's hand began to shake giving way to the knife.
                "Give it to me!" Chaeyoung ordered grabbing the knife slowly off of Mina, "let me do it!"
                  A tear came down Mina's cheek as she watched Chaeyoung put the knife up to her own chest, "this is what you wanted Mina."
                 "No......." But she didn't move.
                 "I'll give you til the count of three."
                 "Chaeyoung....don't do this..." Mina croaked.
                  "Nooooooo!!!!!!" Mina screamed moving towards Chaeyoung as Chaeyoung brought down the knife. However at the last second Chaeyoung swerved the knife.
                  Chaeyoung winced from pain falling to the ground, pulling the knife out of her arm.
                  "Chaeyoung! Chaeyoung! I'm back! I remember! She's gone Chaeyoung!" Mina cried grabbing onto Chaeyoung.
                  Chaeyoung smiled beginning to cry, " did it...."
                 "Chaeyoung!" Another voice called out in fear, "Mina!"
                 Both the girls turned to see Nayeon watching in shock.
                  "It's ok...she's back." Chaeyoung mumbled, "I didn't stab myself."
                  Nayeon sighed in relief, "oh thank god."
                  "What do you mean?! You did stab yourself!" Mina cried still putting pressure on Chaeyoung's arm.
                  "Oh shoot!" Nayeon said ripping her suit copying Jeongyeon's idea of wrapping the wound.
                 Speaking of Jeongyeon.....

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